Heart 6

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It feels weird doing shopping with my dad. My real dad. Leah seemed so happy-go-lucky me on the other hand had unwanted questions.

"Lee and D" He chuckled "I'm going to call y'all that"

Leah and I look to each other and rolled our eyes. Being brought up in a foster home has helped me to be thankful for everything I have. The best day of my life was when Ma asked if she could adopt me. Since ma is the director, she's going down there Christmas day to help pass out gifts, which I will be helping her with.

As we walked through the mall past memories of Ty and I flashed through my head. This time last Christmas we were laying up in his bed. I do miss him but he messed up what we had. While looking through forever twenty one's racks I feeling of uneasiness came over me. Why, I don't know.

"Leah where is our biological father?"

Leah laughed "Stop calling him that and uhh in finish line"

You know since it is Christmas time, this store looks a mess so it was hard trying to find something. I told Leah I was shopping for myself in all reality I was shopping for her. My phone began to ring, without hesitation I brought it from my pocket to answer it.

"Hey James" I smiled.

"Hey Diamond what you doing ma?"

I looked over at Leah looking at the jewelry. "Oh nothing doing some Christmas shopping with my dad and sister"

Boy, if that doesn't sound weird.

"You?" I questioned speaking once again.

"Chilling at my grandmas, helping my family out and shit"

"Oh.. aye I'll call you back when I am at home. Okay?"

I ended the phone call and met back up with my biological father and Leah but not after paying for the items. My dad decided on taking us to dinner since we were all hungry and he also wanted to get to know us. I look a lot like him and some of my ways are also his. If you seen all three of us you could tell he was the daddy and we were his daughters. 

"So where is our moms at?"

"I don't know.." He said as he sipped the water. "Well, I talked to your mom Diamond like two years ago, she was talking about some overseas shit. I stopped talking to your mom Leah when she wanted to quit stripping and turn over a new leaf in life" He said as he put air quotations around the word leaf.

"You still on that strip club?"

He looked away then back at us and nodded "Yeah"

I rolled my eyes "Oh"

"Why you have such a fucking attitude with me?" He spat. 

"Don't talk to her like that!" Leah jumped in. 

"Because, I lived in a foster home for sixteens years of my life then you pop in and act like everything is okay.. the nerve of you."

My hand was placed on my temple, this T-Pain want to be is getting on my nerves. He has a damn strip cub! 

"I agree.. look Raymon" Leah added with a laugh "Just take us back home"

He didn't say no words he just paid the bill and we all left. I don't feel bad at all. Thank God Leah said take us home, I couldn't spend another minute with that man and his gold grill looking at me. 

"How'd it go?" Ma said from the kitchen. I exhaled deeply. 

"Horrible, I think it's just best if he stays out my life"

Ma dried her hands them came towards me. "Diamond.. don't say that.. give the man a chance"

"Mommy Alice he's horrible, he is selfish, and looks at women and flirts while were around" Leah added.

Ma laughed "He owns a strip club so he may need new employees" She said still laughing. Leah and I just ignored her and went upstairs to my room. Ma is playing and I am very serious.

I felt as if I gave im a chance. The way I look at it is that if you are grown enough to lay down and have sex then you are grown enough to take care of the responsibility you have created. Leah is not as aggressive with the situation because she has lived with her aunt. She wasn't raised in a foster home like me. She didn't have to wear second hand clothing all her life. She didn't have to go home to a bunch of children fighting over food. I guess that's why I am thankful for all I have today. I push myself in school because I want succeed. Also, I want to have a well paying job. 

"Diamond and Leah come play just dance with me and Tianna!" Kayla said as she and Tianna ran into my room.

"Maybe later.. Kay" Leah said and I nodded agreeing. 

"You guys suck!" She said then turned around. 

"Says the little nine year old" I said. 

"Nine and a half!" She yelled from the hallway.

Leah and I laughed to ourselves as we made our way to the bonus room. The TV was bigger, I turned on one of my favorite movies "The Wood" on BET. We both watched the movie until Leah fell asleep, like usual. I got up, putting a cover on her and then made my way to my room. I opened the door then the cold Virginia weather hit me. I only had shorts and a t-shirt on, I shivered as I made my way to the window but before not noticing a sleeping Tyler on the floor. 

"Ty! The fuck!" I said yelling lowly as I repeatedly hit him in the back. He needs to get out my house. Now!

"Diamond.. stop!" He said turning over and grabbing my hands. 

"Why are you here?" I whispered mad as hell. I didn't want to wake anyone but I sure was on the verge of it. 

"Are you calm?" He said sitting up. 

I rolled my eyes "Yeah"

"Sit down" he said patting his lap. "No Ty" I said sitting on the wall near him. 

He sighed and wiped his face with his hand. "My Parents go into this real bad ass argument, like shit got broken"

I always had a soft spot for his situation at home. "Really what happened?"

"I don't know after coming home from the Y, I opened the door and my dad was getting ready to walk out with a night bag"

"Did you try to talk to your mother?"

"Yeah, but she wanted to speak with others name Alcohol and Cigarettes" He said scrunching his face up. 

Even though Ty and I aren't together we still have that best friend type thing when it come to certain situations. 

I got up going into my bed when he stopped me "Diamond, I am honestly sorry. I can't express that enough. Whether you believe me or not I am sorry"

I looked at him restraining myself from crying. Not only from our situation but from my dad's. I swallowed the lump in my throat and began walking over to the window to close is. 

"Good night Ty" I said as I got into the bed. I threw him a pillow from my bed so he could be comfortable down there. 

Next update Saturday, all updates will be on Saturday now. (:

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