Heart 11

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"Nooo I don't want to get up" I whined as Leah was trying to wake me. I put the pillow over my head and tried my best to toon her out. This morning Leah wanted to go to breakfast and I wasn't feeling it at all.

"Diamond get up! Pleaseee your starving my niece!" Leah said. I slowly opened my eyes to see Leah with her hands crossed up under her chest. 

"Okayyyy! Now get out.." I yelled and she smacked her lips turning around. My back was killing me and all I wanted to do was sleep, all day. After I stood on my feet, I walked to the bathroom to take a shower and do my hygiene.

Once, I was finished with my shower I  began looking into my closet to figure out what I was going to were today. Finally, I chose a white PINK shirt, Adidas jogging pants, tan UGGS and a nice grey zip up jacket. 

Now, it was time to tame the beast. Or, my hair. Just to get it out the way, I put it in a bun. I grabbed my purse and exited my room. 

"Leah, come on lets go. Since you want to get niggas up... I'm ready" 

Leah mugged me then got up, getting her things. We exited our dorm and made our way down the hall.

"So what's today's plan?" I asked her since she's running things today, apparently. 

"Well we have to go by my math class, then we're going to iHop" She smiled as we got on the elevator. 

"Alright..." I replied, taking my phone out. I began to scroll look at all my missed notifications. Ma called me so I guess I'll call her back.

Leah and I exited the elevator and soon we was in the lobby. I put the phone to my ear as it rung. 



"Hey baby how are you?"

"I am good, my back is killing me, but I am good"

"Awh, well think of it as a blessing because remember I can't carry kids"

I slightly rolled my eyes, she loves bringing up the fact she can't carry kids. Okay. We know that how many times does she have to re-enforce it?

"Mhmmm..." I wasn't really interested in this conversation and hopefully she understands that.

"Well, are you coming down for Kayla's birthday next weekend?"

"Ma, you already know I am don't I always? What she doing this year?"

Leah and I were now in the Math building on the first floor. 

"Sleepover.. so you and Leah going to stay with them?"

"I guess I have to ask Leah"

We talked for a bit more then finally ended our call and Leah now has her Math homework that she forgot in class. 

"Yes, we can finally go eat now!" I said as we both got into Leah's car. 

I was so hungry and needed some food as soon as possible. Leah started the car and went out the parking lot. I wish she would go faster. I looked over at her as she was smiling and laughing, on the phone with Lang. Tyler hasn't even called me today. 

As I began to grow annoyed I exhaled overdramctically maybe she'll get the idea. 

"Hold on baby..." She then looked my way "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You going so slow and you missed the exit, dummy!"

She looked at the highway and the upcoming exit then laughed. "Why  you ain't tell me?"

"Because I just figured that out! You the one driving, you suppose to be looking out for stuff like that. And you a bad driver on the phone and shit!"

"Mad orrr...?" She laughed and I put up my middle finger. 


"Bae, she's fine she just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.. literally" Leah spoke into the phone and she switched direction, a ten minute drive turned in a twenty minute one, cause her foolish ass want to miss the exit. 

"I don't know how Langston deals with your annoying ass" I spoke lowly, leaving her to wonder what I said. 

Leah ignored me and continued doing her. We stopped at Hess and I looked towards Leah. 

"Your not out of gas.. what are you doing?"

"Just hush up, I'll be right back"

Leah has definitely lost her mind this morning. She is doing everything but going to iHop. I watched her as she skipped her happy behind into the convenient store. Rubbing my temples I closed my eyes, trying to take everything in. All I could honestly think about right now was food and Leah playing games. 

I woken interrupted from my thoughts by a knock on my window. My eyes shot up then to the window. They widen as I jumped. I began to breath harshly as I looked to see who was right before my eyes. Tears began to form in my eyes, I thought I wouldn't see him until spring break. I wiped a falling tear then finally spoke.

"TYLER?! Wh-what are you doing here" 

He was smiling from ear to ear as I yelled through the window. I didn't even think about unlocking the door. Once I unlocked the door, I got up so quickly to give him a hug. He kissed my forehead and placed a hand on my stomach.

"Hey baby girl.. you must be happy to see me?" He said then laughed. I was still holding onto him because I missed him so much. 

"Tyler how did you get here?" I asked as I got off of him. 

"A plane.. I wanted to surprise you and I have some news to tell you, but I'll tell you once we get to iHop"

Tyler looked so good that I almost forgot we're not even together. I just put that thought to the back of my head, because he is my child father, so we're together forever. 

Realizing that this is why Leah was staling the whole time I felt so bad. I saw her began to walk out of the convenient store.

"Babe.. I am so sorry! I didn't know you were surprising.. me!" I apologized as I hugged her trying to kiss her cheek.

She smacked her teeth "Whatever all that yelling you was doing was getting on my nerves.. pregnant ass"

"I love you too" I teased. 

"Tyler tame her.. she is so damn moody now" Leah joked and Tyler laughed "I got her.. trust me"

short iknow.. but I am trying to update more frequently just bare with me loves! I appreciate it ♥

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