Heart 21

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Told y'all, I love you lol Leah in MM


After warming the bottle up I gave it to Ty. We were recently released from the hospital earlier. I'm not even going to lie my first hours home with Tj, have been hell and I also decided that I will not be breast feeding. Instead I'll just pump the remaining milk out, hoping it'll dry. 

Ty was feeding Tj and I was able to start on my laundry. "Is everything going to be okay? I am about to go. I have a date with my husband" Ma smiled.

"Yes, momma everything is fine. You two go out and have fun, I love you both" I replied.

She smiled then exited my room as I began to pick up my laundry bin and take it to the laundry room. As I was putting all the black clothing pieces into the washer machine I heard someone else's prescience. I turned around noticing Ty was in the doorway.

"Where's Tj?" I asked and he smirked.

"I put him down in his crib, lil nigga knocked" He chuckled then wrapped him arms around me, kissing my cheek in the process.

"You know you gave me the greatest gift in the world right?"

"Hopefully" I replied with a smile as we shared a quick kiss.

"I love you" 

"I love you too and I know your first game is tomorrow, if you want you can go ahead. We'll be fine up here"

His eyes widened. "What?! You sure?"

"I'm Positive Ty, Tj and I are good. We know that daddy has to do what he has to do"

Once I put the desired setting on the machine I left and closed the door with him following behind me. Ty and I reached the bottom step and began to hear Tj holler his lungs out. Acting first, I went straight up the step picking him up. I kissed him on his cheek as I began to pat his back.

This was going to be a long night.


As Langston texted my phone repeatedly I cried. The tears flowed out carelessly as I held myself in fiddle position. I haven't even told Diamond yet. I didn't know what to do or how to tell anyone.

My phone began to flash and of course it was Langston. I had to eventually tell him. 

"Ba-by" I got choked up on my words and began to cry. 

"Leah, baby. What's wrong?"

I didn't say anything. 

"Baby you have to tell me. Did you cheat on me? Are you pregnant? What's up?"

When I heard those words I began to cry uncontrollably. I just felt even worse. I could I be so dumb, I should have took the test when I had the first symptom.

"Leah baby.. just tell me. Remember? We don't hold secrets. We love each other too much."

I sighed. "Well I'm preg-nant" I pushed my hair behind my ear as I waited for his response. 

"Baby that's all you had to say" Langston said in sincere voice.

"But I was drinking.. really heavy and" Once again I shook my head and began to cry. "I think I harmed the baby"

He sighed. "Baby please, make an appointment I was just up there earlier, why you didn't say nothing then?" 

"I was scared, but alright. I will thanks bae. I love you"

"I love you more, catch my heart though"

"You didn't even have to throw it because its already mines"

He chuckled. "Shut the fuck up"

"You ass wipe, I'm about to go to sleep"


"Coach, I'll be in about nine in the morning. I just had a son aight?"

"Okay, Mr. Wright. I send my blessing. We have a early morning at ten. So don't be late" With that he hung up and I was getting pissed.

I'm a new daddy and this nigga talking about practice. I knew for a fact I won't be getting any sleep tonight, I'll sleep on the way to Miami. Tj was wide awake looking at me as I held him and watched College Football. I wanted to spend as much time with him before I had to leave. Honestly, I don't even know when I can come back up here. Right now we just going to have to make do with how everything is arranged now.

All three of us was in Diamond's room, well hers and Tj's just chilling. I could tell Tj was about to cry so I stuck the pacifier in his mouth. He spit it out and World War fucking two happened. This shit about to be stressful, luckily all of out family is up here to help because this is all new to the both of us. 

"Ty... his screaming is about to drive me crazy, what can possibly be wrong. We fed him. Changed him I don't know" Diamond said as she took him from me, carefully and began to pat his back. 

She got his pacifier that he spit out. "He gone shut up tonight" Diamond held the pacifier in his mouth until he began to suck on it. 

I laughed as she sat on the bed with Tj in her arms. My lil man was light as hell, hopefully he get some color. I could already tell he'll look like me, runs in the family. 

N E X T  M O R N I N G 

I had to wake up around six in the morning Diamond and Tj were still sleep and doing this broke my heart. 

"D" I said as I shook her. 

"Baby wake up" I added, she began to open her eyes immediately looking down at Tj who was in her arms.

"What time is it? You have to leave?" She placed Tj on the bed then got up. 

"It's like six fifteenth, the flight is at seven forty five."

She sighed. "Ain't this some shit" Diamond went into her bathroom and took care of her hygiene then came back out. I showered and all that last night before bed. 

I ran my hands through my hair as I sighed then looked at Diamond who was looking at me. "So when you coming back here?"

"To keep it a band, a nigga don't know. But every chance I get out know I'll be right here with y'all"

She nodded. "Your mama taking you to the airport?"

"Yeah" I said as I began putting on some sweats and a random hoodie, with my black foams. 

Once I got dressed it was about time to leave. I could tell Diamond was said, shit I was too.

"Ty why you have to leave" She whined as she was in my embrace. 

I looked down, looking into her eyes "I love you..."

"I love you too, please be good in Miami. Ty I know how you can be. Even though we already talked about this. Let me just reiterate. I have a pair of scissors and I am not afraid to use this"

I laughed causing Tj to wake up, crying. "Duty calls" Diamond and I both same at the same time.

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