Chapter 79

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Khalida's POV

We were ready for the war. I had decided to kill Elina and everyone she loves in front of her eyes. Benjamin being the best husband ever had been supporting me ever since we met. It had been more than two weeks we got married but he was understanding enough to let me take my revenge first before celebrate our togetherness. I wondered if dad would have liked my decision of marrying Ben as he never spoke to us about our mate. He didn't even bother to tell us about the feelings and attraction mates have for each other. Sometimes it felt that all my father wanted was revenge and I did not complain that because even I would have done the same.

Ben wanted me to talk to Keket and solve all the misunderstandings that had been successful in strengthening its roots between us. Although I was happy to get Keket out of my way once and for all. She had always tried to make me do thing that she wanted me to do. Being the elder sister and my only female support in the family I had no other option but to do as she said. Everyone felt that she filled in the space of my mother's absence which was not true. Mother would have never forced her decisions on me and would have never forced me to do things I didn't feel like doing. But Keket thought that everything she did for me was for the best. And now when finally I did not have her anymore to be my boss, I had no stupid plans of bringing her back to the castle and end up having my throne in danger.

"Honey dad is here."

I heard Ben calling me while he entered the room with a huge smile on his face. King Valtor had also joined us to fight against Elina and her family. He also had brought his best soldiers along with him.

"Father.. So glad to see you. How was your journey?"

"It was quite good honey. So are we all set!"

He asked while he gave me a warm hug. He really did make me forget my father's absence for a while with his presence.

"Yes we are. So shall we send them our first and final warning?"

"Ofcourse we should."

"Alright then. Make yourself comfortable and the maids will get you everything you need. I'll go inform the Chief of the Army to call the Army Chief of Lucianlus and give him one chance to surrender and give us what we want."

"Sure love."

He smiled at me one last time as he left to follow the maid who guided him towards his room. Ben and I then went to meet Chief. Oliver Mascerhanes our Chief of Army.

Elina's POV

"El.. Oliver Mascerhanes, the Chief of the Army of Budapest had called our Army Chief."

Natalia said as she entered my room.

"Why did he call Nat?"

"Khalida has given us a proposal."

"What proposal?"

"She wants us to handover you to her and surrender to avoid any war. Or else she said she will destory our Kingdom. Zack replied back to her message saying that he wants war. He won't handover you to her."

I didn't know how to react and what to say. Zack had been ignoring me even after staying under same roof. I really wanted my Zack back to me. A huge part of myself was lost somewhere.


"And the battle will begin on day after tomorrow."

"So soon?"

"I hope we are ready!"

"Yes ofcourse we are Nat. We have hybrids, werewolves and even the vampire hunters on our side. She cannot get more powerful than us and defeat us just by feeding on human blood."

"Human blood makes a vampire more powerful. It increases a vampire's healing power, speed, hearing skills, etc."

"Still she can't match us."

"She has King Valtor by her side El. He is one of the most powerful vampire kings. He killed his own brother and his family so that no one claims his Throne."

"That's cruel."

"King Valtor is evil Elina.. Nobody dares to start a fight with him. And you should not underestimate them. Its always said that we should never assume that the person in front of him is not as strong as we are."

"I know Nat."

Just before she was about to say something else, she heard Osborne calling her and ran towards his room.

So the most awaited battle was about to start!

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