Where's My Wonderland? *An Andy Biersack fan fic* part 9

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                *Fabi's P.O.V.*

Natalia came home with me today so we could get ready together.

What're we supposed to wear? Nata asked.

Um… I think I'm wearing ripped jeans and a cute tank top with a hoodie. What about you?

Well, I carry extra clothes, and I have jeans a Sleeping with Sirens shirt and a hoodie,so yeah…

Wear the hoodie over one of my tank tops,I have some that are one size fits all.

As we finished getting ready we heard a knock at the door.

I'll open, I yelled.

Love! Andy!,come in guys we're almost done getting ready.

Natalia!, I yelled as I ran to my room.


They're here!

Oh, lets go!


We both ran downstairs anxious to know where we were going.

Thankfully, we were all dressed in our normal day dress,including the guys.

Where are we going? I interrupted my thoughts.

A place!  Andy and Lou said at the same time.

Get in the car.

Okay ,and we walked to the car and the guys opened the door for us being polite as always.

As Louis started his car,I could see Andy looking at Natalia with love eyes. They are just so cute together!

Were here! I was snapped out of my thoughts.As I looked around I saw a place that Natalia and I always went but just stood there watching. Yep, it's the skateboarding park.

Lou! What the heck?! You know I can't skate!

Natalia just stared.

I know. You're going to learn,girls!

Really?!?! Omg! Thanks guys!

Louis and Andy grabbed skateboards from the back and we headed towards the park.

At first it was pretty hard and we fell A LOT. But in the end everything went great! We had a really great time with the lads.

As we finished dinner,they took us home, yeah both of us,we're spending the night,whoop! whoop!.

That was really fun! Nata explained. I thought it was the perfect date for our first date,we could be our normal selfs,you know like not being fake.

Yeah,I know what you mean,you and Andy are such a cute couple!

               *Natalia's P.O.V.*

We talked all night about our date until we fell asleep.

*in the morning* Ring,Ring! our alarms went off at the same time.

It took me a while to realize I was at Fabi's house. I got up and went to the bathroom. My phone rang,and I took it from my back pocket,I unlocked it and it was a message from Louis.

Natalia, it's Andy's birthday today and we're throwing him a party,it's tonight at 7:00,see you girls there!

oh and btw Fabi got this message too, so you don't have to tell her,bye.

Where's My Wonderland? *An Andy Biersack fan fiction*Where stories live. Discover now