letter #2

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dear xx,

you're funny.

you give loads and loads of advice to other people, and one day, i'm hoping that you gather up so much courage to listen to yourself.

you've said it before in a speech, and many people have said it long before you did. it's a quote that you and i both live by... "you are your own worst critic."

and though it may seem like one, this isn't me chastising how you're acting. i'm just feel of emotions right now, and i know that the wording and the pronouns are confusing but bear with me like you do with other people.

you're a great person, and i see that sometimes. i just find it so strange how i came to realize this about you after watching episodes of glee and grey's anatomy (yeah it's midnight and you stayed up doing that)! with tear-streaked cheeks, i've come to realize that you-- we-- need to love more.

yes, i get it. we need to be tough! the world is harsh. everyone is against each other. we need to be strong. we need to be this. we need to be that.

relax. breathe. settle down.

you're beginning to forget about your basic actions. you need to just sit down and remember the basics.

the basics. live. blink. eat. drink. breathe. survive.

wait, pause. listen, from me to you... love more.

"shame is a wasted emotion." yep, you learned that from glee, but think about it. 

when i was listing out the short list of basic functions, i never mentioned love, and i know for a fact that you forgot about that one too. 

it's a such a simple concept but so complicated when looked into.

you deserve love... even when your thoughts defy the statement most of the time. most importantly, you deserve to be loved by yourself. 

(i'm starting to work on it. i'm trying to love you. it could be working. who knows?)

you spend most of your time so ashamed to be yourself. so scared of what other people might think. so timid to do anything.

the only opinions that matter are yours and mine, but i can assure you that we are thinking the same thing.

you have nothing to be embarrassed of. and those that end up dropping you or straying away from you because of what you do and who you are... those are not the right people in your life. you will find people that love you no matter no what.

please don't ever forget that.

it's easy to lose yourself. it's easy to forget yourself. but, it's not easy to stay yourself.

you like a challenge; trust me, i know. but, i also do know that you give up when things get a little too hectic. in the long run it will be worth it. everything that will have a positive impact will be worth it.

it's scary living life, and there are so many memories that you want to hold onto.

like i said, love more.

i know that you want those memories to be happy and full of laughter. the world deserves to remember the best version of you. 

i know that it scares you that no one will remember you when you pass away, but there is a world in every single person. there are tons and tons of worlds that will remember you.

just live life with no regrets. do what you want. make yourself happy. go wild. 

yours truly,


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