Chapter 2- Clementine finds a Visitor...

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~~~~~Clementine's POV~~~~~

Focus. Focus on the target. Don't move just focus, aim and...


I slip the blazing grey arrow out of my reach as it flies towards the dummy and pierces the heart.

"Bullseye." I whisper to myself and pull the arrow out of the dummy. I hear an applause.My body twirls to the other direction in lightning speed as I see a grinning Luke standing before me. "Not again." I groan inwardly and push past him but my reflexes were just a tad slower as he grabs my waist.

"Perfect like usual, Clementine. Now when will you challenge me? You too woried about me or you too scared you will finally get beaten?" Tell tell him the truth I was worried about him but he had just crossed my line. No one stoops to my level. Im the best archer and sword fighter anyone has seen in centuries and he threatens me?

I trip him and twist his arm to his back as he whimpers in pain. Are you kidding me? What a wimp! I release him and step over his body with all the weight I can muster and walk away as he tries to stand up to recover.

"Challenge me again, Castellan, and you'll be missing a few body parts in your sleep. Got it?" I order him and charge off without waiting for his reply. I keep walking past other campers and find the thirteenth cabin for Oliviae's children. I share the cabin with one other person, Max but he's always at Apollo's cabin with his friend, Lee Fletcher.

I barge into my room and think of the times when I was with the other orphans in the catholic orphanage but then Chiron adopted me and brought me to my real home. Camp Half-Blood. My home.

The only memory I have of my mother was when she left me at the steps of the orphanage. I remember she had blonde straight hair that reached to her lower back and the fringes curled flawlessly with bright red lips and the most beautiful eyes that were surrounded by a light brown and gold reached to the middle next to the pupil. I have a different colour of eyes though. my eyes are like a sea blue mixed with black and a red drape around the pupil. It's actually quite strange seeing as my eyes are a one of a kind. My hair was also quite familiar to my eyes but instead of black, it was brownish/blonde with fiery red streaks that I always kept in a fishtail braid.

My thoughts are interrupted by a noise from the window. My cabin was next to the entrance mof camp so it was normal of I heard a noise like animals or new demigods coming to the camp. But this noise was almost like a battle cry. I run to the window and look out to see a satyr with dark skin (I didn't wanna say black cause I didn't wanna be racist;) ) knocked out unconscious, a Minotaur trying to fight someone then I see the boy. He was handsome! With his straightened brown/black raven hair and sea green eyes that raged with fury as he held a sword made of the purest gold in his right hand trying to strike at the Minotaur. I gasped and saw the boys injuries.

"Oh shit. Oh no!" I scream and grab my bow and arrows while racing frantically for the door. I step out of the protection because it feels weird being out of this place since it's been 7 years. I see the golden sword laying on the ground behind him with the Minotaur advancing towards him with each step. The poor boy was defenceless! I race for a tree to hide behind and take out an arrow as I stretch the bow out ready for shooting. I come out from behind the tree with my arrow still aimed at the creature. "Oi! Big fella! Step away from the boy or I will NOT hesitate to send this arrow flying straight through your eye! You big, fat beast!" I scowl at it and he starts to advance towards the boy again. "Fine! Your funeral!"

I let go of the silver arrow as it flies through the air and straight at its eye just long enough to pierce its sight. I run to the Satyr. He's starting to regain consciousness and I immediately recognise him as Grover.

"Grover! Wake up ya smelly goat! Get the boy and run to shield!"


"Yes I know! It's me! Clementine the oh fine mighty warrior! Now get outta here before you become dog food!" I curse at his stupid brain capacity and push him towards the boy as they run behind the shield. I toss my arrows to the side and take out the stormy black pen and press it open to reveal my baby, Nightshade. "Let her rip!" I yell and stab the sword at his leg as the Minotaur falls sitting on the ground. He growls and tries to stand up but fails as I slash his whole leg off. He's still alive but barely breathing by now as I send Nightshade flying at his chest. It's cuts through easily like a bandaid and he screams in agony. Sparks come flying from the sword as it means it's getting stronger and the foreign creature dissolves into a pile of dust and ashes. I look behind me to see Grover holding a very faint boy. I hold out my hand as Nightshade shrinks and sloshes into a different form and becomes a normal ballpoint pen in less then 5 seconds. I run towards Grover and see a big gash on the boys ribs. "Grover! Go get Mr. D and Chiron! I'll take him to the infirmary. Go!" I yell and help up the boy who is  breathing heavily and almost about to faint. He turns to me.

"Who are you?" He asks wih a raspy voice but perfect for me to hear.

"I'm Clementine. Daughter of Oliviae and best swordfighter and archer anyones seen here in centuries." I explain with courage rising in my voice. He chuckes but he stops to a halt. I start worrying and asking what's wrong but he just answers with one word. "Mom." He goes limp in my arms.

"Uh... Help?" I ask although I know no one is nearby. I see two figres just off in the distance. "Hey! I need help over here! Please!" I yell and they turn to me as I realise Max and Lee are the two figures I saw.

"What the hell?! Clementine who is that boy?" Max asks advancing towards me like a Fury.

"Listen, I saw this guy fighting a Minotaur just in front of the shield and he was with Grover! He was really hurt and you know my cabin is next to the entrance of camp so I decide to be the big hero I am and help him. Oh and get this! I got a bullseye in a bulls eye!" I giggle like its the most weirdest thing in the world and Lee grabs the limp boy while we rush to the infirmary. I knock open the door like the weird person I am and make an entrance. Will Solace, son of Apollo, runs up to us as soon as he sees the boy. He calls over his half sister, Kayla, and his half brother, Austin. We help him onto the bed and I spot Grover, Chiron and Mr. D headed towards the door. I rush over to them. "Grover we just brought your friend in but he's probably going to be out for a while. Hey Mr. D, think you can serve me with a diet coke, extra cold?" I ask with a gleeful smile. He sighes but smiles at me because I'm his favourite. A diet coke magically appears in his hand. I snatch it away and lead Chiron towards the unknown brownie (ya know since he has brown hair...).

"Oh dear. Percy, what have you done?" Chiron sighs.

Percy. Perseus. Poseidon...

My eyes widen in realization and I let out a breath I never knew I was holding.

"He's Perseus. Son of Poseidon and the Sea." I mumble just enough for Chiron to hear.

"Yup. He's a special case, this one. So are you." He nods at me and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. He realizes what he said and he sighs. "I think it might be time to tell you. Clementine, lets take a visit to the Hall of Gods." He says and I follow him out of the infirmary.

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