Chapter 4- Three days later and Percy wakes up

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Three Days Later...

~~Chelentine's POV~~

It's been three days since I found Percy and Lee has announced that Percy shall wake up any minute now so I decided to take the day off to help Austin in the infirmary. He doesn't mind because he likes the company. Chiron is figuring out a way for me to comunicate with the other gods or emigods so I can learn to control my powersand he asked if I wanted to change my cabin but I asked for more time. I can tell Chiron is getting worried for me but I keep trying to assure him that I'll be perfectly fine. When I was done persuading him 13 times, I had mentioned Percy and he immediately started babysitting the kid. I feel so bad for Percy.

Right at the moment, I was nursing Nico from Hades' cabin.

"One date. That's all I ask for. One date and if it doesn't go well, then I'll stop flirting with you." He pleaded for the billionth time.

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no and NO!" I whack him over the head and he crosses his arms with a pouty face. "Sorry, sweetie. Nothing's going to work." I taunt him and go back to treating his leg. I finish wrapping it and ruffle his black curls that made him look more like his dad. Over the few days, I've been retreaving more of my memories from Olympus. I've been having a few hazy ones so far.

"Fine. Can you at least get me something to eat? I'm hungry." He orders and I obey by walking out to the kitchen. Everything was very busy seeing as Capture the Flag was coming. I was really jealous at everyone because Dionysus thought I played too rough so he banned me from Chariot Racing, Capture the Flag and King of the Hill. Chiron kept trying to let me participate in them but Mr. D always won. That's actually what they were doing right now. They were fighting over me competing or skipping out.

I find the kitchen and take an apple and chicken burger for me and take two raisin cookies and a chicken wrap for Nico. I take a bite of the juicy apple and savour its taste. as the juice dances on my tastsbuds. I smile and walk out back towards the infirmiray.

I rush inside and Nico smiles at my choise of food.He takes a bite of his chicken wrap and I pull a seat next to his bed. "So what did Austin say about your leg while I was getting lunch?"

"He said I'll be bedridden for about a week so I have to skip out on Capture the Flag. It's too bad though. I was hoping to finally beat Athena's cabin."

"Join the club, brother." I sigh and he looks at me with a playful smirk.

"Well everyone knows if they had you on their team then they would probably win in the first ten minutes. And even if you were battling the whole camp, you would still win." He shrugs. I sigh and set my plate aside.

"So not true!" I yell as my voice goes pitched.

"Clementine, everyone knows when your voice goes high-pitched like that, it's a clear sign of you lying." He says with a smug grin. I whack him over the head... again. I stand and walk over to Grover who is standing over Percy's bed.

"Don't worry. Percy should wake up any minute now." I smile at him and Grover nods as if arguing whether or not he should agree to me. A grumble comes from the bed. I look down and see Percy just about to wake up. I gasp. "Lee! Austin! Kids awake." I call out and they rush over with Kayla. They help Percy up and start working on medicine.

"Thank god, Grover. I had the weirdest dream! Mom was taken by some sort of bull-man. I was there and you were there as well. And some cute girl came and archered the--" He stops mid-sentence when he sees me with a pack of arrows.

"So I'm cute? Wow. I'm flattered. Really." I joke and show the arrow that I used to shoot the Minotaur. He looks around him and his face flashes with awe. An amused grin come across my features. Realization dawns on him.

"Where am I?" He asks.

"You're in the infirmary. You suffered a bad concussion and you were knocked out for three days. And yes. It was all true. Sorry about your mum." I reply in my heavy british accent. It seems to never want to leave.

"Grover? Is this true?" Percy asks the satyr.

"Uh.... Sorry Perce." His friend looks down with sorrow. Grover quickly recovers and leaves to get Chiron. I stand there unfazed and study Percy's face. He looked curious and confused with his dark eyebrows furrowed. His sea blue/green eyes looked so familiar to Poseidons.

"You have your dad's eyes." I smile and pull up a chair as he just gets more confused.

"Who's my dad?" It finally dawns on me. He didn't know. At least not yet.

"You don't know." I ask but it coms out more of a statement.

"Who's my dad?! Tell me!" He pleads but I didn't know whether to tell him just yet. "Please."

"Do you know anything about Greek Mythology?" I ask and he nods friequently. "Ya know how they have the big four?" I ask and he nods again. "Who are they? Can you remember?"

"Zeus, Hades, Oliviae and Poseidon. I don't get what the whole point is. How is this supposed to tell me who my father is?"

"Which god has almost the same name as you?" I ask and realization crosses his features.

"Poseidon. God of the sea. He's my dad?"

"Yes siree." I salute him playfully and go back to my food. He stares at it hungrily. I giggle and split the burger in half giving him the bigger half. He smiles and scarfs it down in one minute. "Well that's attractive." I retort with sarcasm evident in my voice.

"I'm a boy. Whatcha excpect 'sweetheart'?" He smiles with his perfect white teeth in view.

I like boys with white teeth. It means they're clean.

I shake out the thought in my head. I see Chiron and Mr. D at the entrance behind Percy. "Yo! Mr. D! Can I have my regular?" I ask showing my own toothy smile. He sighs but I can see that ghost of a smile about to reach his lips. He hands me my usual extra cold diet coke. "Thanks, mate."

"Who are they?"

"Dionysus, god of wine, and I'm surprised you don't remember your poor Mr. Brunner even out of that ungodly chair." I choke at the word chair.

"It's a wheelchair, actually." Chiron adds.

"Does it look like I care? Hm? I mean at least he still has his REAL mom." I challenge him.

"Clementine. Not now. Please." He pleads. I sigh and walk out with my bow and arrows. But before I can walk outside, Grover stops me.

"Chiron was wondering if you can train Percy. He's not trying to be mean. He just doesn't want you getting fired up even in public." Grover pleads and I almost gave in. Almost.

I slap his hands away and keep walking.

~~Percy's POV~~

"What was she talking about?" I ask. Chiron looks at Mr. D as they have a quiet conversation. What did Clementine mean when she said 'at least he still has his real mom'? She sounded hurt or betrayed. I wanted to so badly follow her and comfort her but right now I was stuck in this bed doing nothing  to help.

"Just some family problems. Nothing to worry about." Chiron explained bluntly but I could tell he had some sorrow in his voice.

"Oh. Will she be ok?"

"She's strong. Stronger than anyone." Chiron added the last sentence to himself.

"Enough talk about Lennie. Lets get down to business. Percy, what happened to your mother?" Mr. D asked.

Realization struck me. My mom was still gone. She was dead. She was dead and there was noting I could do to help, "I uh... Mom was taking me somewhere and said the story about how she met my dad, Poseidon. This weird half bull guy attacked us and flipped our car. We ran to the entrance and the haf bull squeezed mom to deathand her body... vanished. I took out the weird gold ballpoint pen Mr. Bru-- Chiron gave me and it became a huge gold sword. I tried slashing at the thing but then an arrow came out of nowhere and hit the bulls eye. Clemntine was there with a bow and a pack of arrows. It was a bit hazy after that. Thats most of what I remember then Clementine was helping me to the infirmary and I fainted." I explained placing my head in my hands.

I hope Clementine is having a better time than me explaining my mothers death.

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