Chapter 5- Training Percy

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~~Clementine's POV~~

I've been walking for the past hour. My mind is wandering with thoughts about how my real mother would look like now. If she changed her rude ways. How I would tell Annabeth I was kind of her half-sister. She would probably hate me and think I was bad like our dad. Wow. It sounded almost foreign to say 'dad'.

I stopped at a nearby ravine and sat down at a large rock.

"Why me?" I asked myself but I never knew someone was listening.


~~Percy's POV~~

"Lets take a walk Percy." Chiron added after my little rant into chasing after Clementine or staying here.

Looks like I'll have to stay.

I slowly stumble out of the bed and follow Chiron as he places his hand on my shoulder as if to steady me.

"Percy, did your mother ever tell you anything about your father?"

"No. She just told me he left when I was a baby and he never came back to pay for child support or visit or even call. He just disappeared. But Clementine told me something." I added.

"Oh god. What did she say?"

"She hinted that my father is Poseidon. Is that true?"

Chiron stopped in his tracks and sighed. "I'll have to talk to her later, but what she said was true. Percy, look to your left." And that's what I did.

A large cabin that's low, long and solid with all of the windows facing the sea. The outer walls are rough gray stone with pieces of seashell and coral and looks like the bottom of the ocean floor. On the inside it had six empty bunk beds and the walls glow like abalone. "This is Poseidon's." I add.

"No. This is for Poseidon's children and your one of them. This is your home now." Chiron says. "Dinner will start soon and your probably very hungry from being unconscious for 3 days so I'll get someone to train you and you can go down to the fighting arena and meet them there. Ok?" But, before I could agree, he walked off without a word. I walked in to prepare for training.


After an hour of walking, I finally came back to the camp only to be met by Chiron.

"Clementine! I need a favor. Would you mind training Percy for me?" He asked.

"Why? Can't you ask someone else like Luke or Annabeth?"

"Annabeth is busy training someone from Apollo and Luke is helping me with setting everything up for Capture the Flag." Chiron explained.

"Fine. But if he gets killed, its your fault." I growl out. I walk towards the training arena and see Annabeth at the entrance with a sneer. I walk up to her and see her knuckles clenched in a fist.

"Annabeth? Are you--?" But I was cut off by her flying fist commecting with my cheek. "What the fuck?! What the hell was that for?"

"You know exactly what that's was about you stealing slut." She hissed. Annabeth's fist came swinging for another hit but I blocked it with ease and kicked the back of her leg and she fell to the ground.

"No, I DON'T know what your talking about."

"It's about Percy, you slut! First, Luke likes you, then you don't chose him, so Percy comes in the picture and you befriend him easily but now I like him! Why do you get every guy?!" She growls and takes a fist full of my hair and pulls it. I stand there unfazed. Not crying, not screaming, not attacking. Just thinking.

I see Luke running over with Percy watching from behind. "Anna! Stop!" Luke yells at her as she claws at me and I stand there with a bunch of bruises but no tears. I haven't cried once in my whole life. And I wasn't planning on crying now because of some boy I didn't know. "Clementine, why are you here?"

"Chiron pretty much blackmailed me into training Percy." I shrug and I walk off with Percy trailing behind as if nothing had happened. I could tell people get worried of me easily since I've never cried.

"So where are you training me?" Percy speaks up.

"Secret?" I say but it came out more of a question.

"Are you dragging me out here to kill me?" He asks with a hint of nervousmness in his tone.

"Maybe." I shrug and he gulps as his eyes enlargen.


"No," I laugh as he shows a sign of relief, "I usually wait until they trust me and then I kill 'em." He cowers and steps a few feet away. I take a left and I see the waterfall in the distance. I drop my armour and gear on a nearby boulder and turn towards Percy. "Welcome to paradise."

"Woah." He stares in wonder.

There was an open area with a sparkling river and a little wooden bridge on top of it with hanging red and blue lights on the trees. A path on the right led to a mini training arena that I built with Chiron and Mr. D's permission. A small waterfall was at the end of the river and it glowed as the main attraction. Flowers sprouted everywhere from left to right in many different colours. The water sparkled a glowing gold light that reflected on the sunset that stood over the horizon.

"Ok, here are some tips about melee combat," I grabbed my sword and lunged for Percy but he was so shocked that he opened up his sword just to avoid mine. "Don't get distracted. If you do, then one slice in the neck will kill you and send you flying into the black abyss they call hell. Second, if you want to paralyse someone then go for the waist or stomach." I say while pointing my tip at his stomach. "Third, and most importantly, if you want to show you're not scared to kill someone, look them in the eyes." I came closer to Percy and looked straight into his eyes. "Got it?" He nodded once before taking a step back and dropping his gear. "Now armoury. The more armour you have, the better, but if you have too much then you won't be able to walk very far except for a few steps then they will get you by the neck or foot. There is always an unprotected area where you can't put armour on. But, if you have less armour or none at all, you can run faster but you can be targeted at any time. That means, they could arrow you, throw a knife at you or block your path and stake you in the heart. So there is always an advantage to wearing more armour or none. Kay?" I ask and he nods again.

"No distractions, paralyse at the stomach, look them in the eyes, not too much armoury. Anything else?"

"Yea. Shut up and let's start practicing,"


Hey! This Chappie is dedicated to artfasionfan101 for helping me with my writers block on this chappie.

Sorry for the long wait.

And the person who comes up with the best inspirational quote like i did in the multimedia will get the next dedication!

Thank u for not yelling at me and i will TRY to post the next chappie before Valentines day?

Keyword: TRY

I love all of my ducklings and ive been so busy reading REAL LIFE BOOKS that i havent been able to type and ive been at my dads place in Mackay for like a few weeks so again im sorry for the wait and i love you all.

~~Your Most Busy Author

Serena Marie Sandham AKA Rena

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