Zitate (Liam)

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☯We're on the roof and I'm absolutely freezing my peanuts off

☯When I was little, I always said that I wanted a brother, and now it's like having four of them

☯None of our fans are ugly, everyone's beautiful

☯Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them. But if you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny

☯Live your dream and never wake up

☯It would be great if we could employ someone to play games with us

☯I once cried in a restaurant because the waitress told me I could not eat my soup with a fork, I had to use a spoon

☯I smile and think; This is my job, this is what I do for living, and it's what I always wanted

☯I feel like Niall is my brother. I always think that he's the youngest in the band

☯I try to be cool, but I'm not very good at it

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