Chapter 21

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The next morning I put on a outfit and straighten my hair and binned back my bangs to the side. I didn't feel really hungry so I skip breakfast and went straight to helping Grayson and Ethan pack. Since Alex knew he "wasn't" staying long he was already packed.

"Babe why are you making me do this." Grayson whines standing behind me as I pack for him.

His chest his pressed against my back as he adds his arm around my waist.

"Because the fans need you. You've already missed one meet and great. Paul is gonna kill you Ethan, Alex, and even I." I folded his clothes neatly even though he'll just mess them up later.

"Look at me when we are talking Kel." Grayson had a strong grip on my waist.

Since I wouldn't look at him he turned me around so I was facing him. I really didn't want him to leave but its for the best. I don't know what's gonna happen in the next month or so when he is here. I don't want him to watch me get week over a course of a month.

"What?" I look away from him his eyes.

Grayson cups my cheeks with his hands and kisses my nose. He strokes my cheek with his thumb as I let a few tears slip.

"I'm sorry I'm crying. It's just a can't believe after this long I have cancer, and I'm pregnant and I can't do anything about it. I refuse to let anything hurt my baby." I lay my forehead against his.

"You'll be okay. We can fight together." Grayson whispers in my ear before kissing behind it.

"I finished packing for you." I sniff and pulled myself away from Grayson.

"Thanks" he sighs.

I hand him his bag and we walk out together to my car. Since Alex car was damaged in the crash they are using mine. They all got in the car as I stood at the porch. Grayson looked at me through the window as they began to drive away. I blew him a soft kiss and waved. I watch them drive down the rode and off in the distance.

I slowly got out my phone and punched in Shawn's number. I put my phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I hear Shawn's soothing voice.

"Can I?" He knows what it will mean

"Did he leave?" Shame sighs through the phone.

"Uh huh. I don't mind living with the Dolan Family. It's just I want to spend as much time with you guys as I can before.-" Shawn cuts me off.

"Kelly that's not gonna happen. I'll be there as soon as I can to take you back to Canada."

"Alrighty see you when ever." I hang up and let out a long hevau sigh.

*One Month Later*

I was back in Canada a two days after Grayson, Ethan, and Alex left. I was happy to see my family and they were happy about my engagement. I just don't know when we are gonna get married.

If we ever do that is..

Right now I'm looking in the mirror at myself. It looked Look like I gained 2 pounds. You can't see no baby bump but oh well. I look at my pale face. It's thinned in a tiny pit do to the lack of good and energy. I never really eat anymore Becuase my stomach just doesn't like the food and I throw up. Shawn makes me eat for the sake of the baby but it just comes back up later. My muscles have sized down Becuase I'm getting weaker and my hair is a bit lighter for who knows What reason.

"Kelly lunch time!" I hear Shawn down stairs.

"I'm not hungry." I groan

"Get your ass down here your gonna eat!" Shawn snaps.

I roll my eyes and walk down stairs.

*Grayson's Pov*

I chucked a drink down the back my throat on Ethan and I's privet plane. I've been drinking a lot lately. It's been so much. Kelly getting cancer, Kelly getting pregnant, Tour and videos, fans, Ethan being Ethan, Kelly hasn't picked up my texts or calls either!

I shake my head and pass my cup to the bartender for another drink.

"Sir this is your fifth drink" he asks hesitating to pour the next drink.

"I don't care. I'm paying aren't I." I snap harshly.

The bartender nods and pours the drink. After another drink and another a girl comes up to me.

A girl? How did she get on the plane?

"Hey sexy." She smiles

"Hey" I look at her

"You seem sad?" she pouts her red lips.

This girl looks like a fucking stripper. Her makeup is just caked on her face with bright red lipstick on his lips. She has short fake blond hair with her bangs pinned to the side.

"My name is Tori." She places a hand on my thigh.

"Don't care." I get mean when I'm drunk.

"Lets take this in the back." She starts to pull on my arm.

"No" I shove her away a bit, but that didn't stop her.

"Come on!" she begs

"I said No!" I screamed making her jump.

Tori looked at me in fright before walking towards the exit. After an left I calmed myself down and took a seat

"Sir?" the bartender places his hand on my shoulder.

"Yes?." I run my hands over my face

"Let me call Ethan.." he suggested

I nod before laying my head on the cold wood.

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