Chapter 18

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Grayson slipped the ring on my finger as he laid his throbbing head back on the hospital pillow. Grayson looked pretty banged up. As do Ethan, I have to go check on Alex. I heard he is fine, but I don't want him to think i forgot about him in the hospital. After waiting for both Ethan and Grayson to fall asleep in on hospital bed, Ethan refused to leave Grayson, I walked out of the room and to Alex's hospital room. Alex was laying there with his eyes closed. He had his arm wrapped and put into a sling, his arms and body were cut up, like the other boys, and his head had stitches just a little above his left eyebrow.

"Alex?" I whisper.

Once Alex hears my voice his eyes fling open. "Kelly" He smiles

"Hey." I walk to the right side of the bed and sit down.

I've just met Alex a few days ago when he came down to get Grayson and Alex, but I feel like he could be my other brother next to Ethan and Shawn. Alex is just so nice and caring. I just love him.

"I'm glad you safe." I punch him slightly in the shoulder.

"He saved my life. You know that right?" Alex frowned.

I nod and lay my head against him slightly. He leaned his head against mine being careful of his stitches.

"He finale put a ring on it?" Alex grabs my hand and smirks.

"Yeah I guess so." I smile to myself.

"Has the stress been hard on the baby?" Alex asked looking down at my stomach before back at me eyes

"My stomach feels wired but not to bad. When do you guys get out?" I ask

"Me tomorrow Grayson and Ethan two days. Then we should head back to tour. Ethan misses the fans but he will leave. With or without Grayson and You." Alex said before closing his eyes.

I waited with Alex before he fell asleep. After I felt his full wait on me I carefully climbed out of the bed and back into the hall way. I decided to call Shawn and tell him the news. Shawn picks up after the second ring and I put my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I was happy to hear his amazing voice.

I miss him a lot. More then anything in the world.

"Shawn?"  I say excitedly.

"Kelly?! It's good to hear from you again!" His voice was cheerful.

"Yeah and guess what?"

"What? He sounded curious.

"Grayson asked me to marry him." I tried my best to sound excited.

"You don't sound excited Kelly? I thought you loved him enough." Shawn sighed

"It's just. Is he doing it because I'm pregnant, it wasn't romantic, i don't know. I said yes, but should of I?" I shouldn't be questioning my answer, I love Grayson Dolan.

"Kelly. Your like 16. I don't expect you to be stick and stone with your answer. Your pregnant and that might be why he asked, but let me tell you this. If you do get married. Well, watch out. He is known for cheating in the past. I will kill him if I have to." Shawn smirked

That makes me feel worried. What If Grayson goes back to tour and cheats? What if he leaves the baby and I? Many questions go crazy in my mind which caused me to forget I was on the phone with Shawn.

"Earth to Kelly?" Shawn snaps me out of my daze.

"Yeah what did you say?" I ask

"I have to go. Nash is calling me." He sighs

I wish we could talk longer but oh well. I hung up and sat down. After a few minutes I went back Grayson's hospital room. He was awake same as Ethan.

"Your back." Grayson smiled

I nod and stood at the door. "When did you wake up?" I ask

"Few minutes ago." Grayson yawned

"Feel better?" I ask another question.

"Little how is Alex?" Ethan sits up from the bed

"He's goo-" I stop when I feel something warm and thick run done my leg.

The liquid stained my jeans as it touches the floor. Is that blood?

"Grayson?" I touch the floor which made my fingers stain with blood. "Oh my god I'm bleeding!" I started to freak out!

"Ethan help her!" I forgot Grayson can barley move since he got the most injured.

Ethan rushed over towards me. "What do I do?!" Ethan ran his fingers through his hair

"Get a doctor!" Grayson started to freak out.

I started to feel a little dizzy. Blood soaked my pants as my stomach started to cramp. Ethan rushed and got a doctor as I used the wall for support. I slowly crept down the wall as I felt the blood keep coming. I leaned my head against the wall as Grayson's voice went fainter as I started closing my eyes.

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