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I stared at the steam coming from the clumps of metal. All the parts fitting together in perfect unison, it was something my dad used to do. Marvel at the creation of street exhibits, carousels, stages and stalls...but when they were completed he found them boring. So he left the bench, with all the situation unfinished in his head...I guess that was just the creator in him though.

I stared hard, squinting. For some reason I felt....incomplete, like all of my dads unfinished muses. The bench was cold against my legs, and my breath created steam in the early Winter air.

My fingers tapped slightly at the rhythm of the chain as it swung in the air, creating a beautiful Christmas baking stall for the park. I'd woken up early for this event, my dad texting me at one o'clock to make sure I caught the creation in action while he was away in Japan.

So I'd threw on a jumper and some jeans and headed out as quietly as I could. I watched as the trucks came in and watched now as they put the final touches a child completing a puzzle, the workmen smiled and laughed with relief.

And I just felt in then, at the bottom of my chest, that something was heating up, something....special...difficult and bemusing. A light wind blew through, bringing with it anticipation and excitement....and I couldn't help but wonder....

What now?

Not really much of a story so far, hopefully the next chapter will be published soon, so that'll properly kick things off X

Let me know what y'all think <3


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