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My knuckles reddened as my grip around the pole tightened. I'd been to Farkles, he wasn't in a good mood and claimed he needed to go somewhere, so we left together, him walking one way, me the other.

I stared at the ground, trying not to look at people too long.


I turned, a brown haired, brown eyed boy stood there. I slapped him, but when I went to get his beanie he grabbed my wrist.

"Okay, I deserved that."

I gritted my teeth,"I don't want to talk," I turned back around.

"Good," he said,"we can just stand here together."

I closed my eyes, "what do you want?"

"Do I need a reason to stand by you on the Subway?"

I turned and faced him again,"what's gotten into you?, you haven't always been this self absorbed."

"You're only saying that because you're mad I haven't talked to you."

I sighed,"no, you're also a jerk."

"What?," he half laughed.

"I haven't spoken to you, but I've saw all you're drunk pics on social media."

"What about Minkus? Does he take pics when he's drunk? I'm sure he loves a good selfie with his favourite vodka brand."

I set my jaw,"don't say that about him!"

"It's true isn't it?," he grinned.

I closed my eyes and gulped.

He smiled,"Later Hart."

As he made his way through the crowd, I followed.

A few metres in he looked over his shoulder.


I hit him,"you don't say that about my friends you asshole!!"

He laughed,"then what about cowboy? Is he your frie-."

I kicked him, someone yelled, "FIGHT!", in the background.....then everyone kicked off....



I met Lucas by the police building, his face was glum and gloomy.

"What took you so long?," he asked.

I gulped and shook my head,"nothing, tired that's all."

He looked at me for a moment then nodded,"okay."

We walked in together, I glanced at this was the guy Maya was head over heals for?.....

He slammed the money in the table," bail money for Maya Hart?"

"Okay," they took it,"she should be out in a moment," they said something into their phone.

A few moments later she was walking towards us, her head lifted, her eyes bright. She threw herself at us. An arm around Lucas and an arm around me.



Maya walked in between the two of us down the frost covered street, it had started snowing last night...for the first was a start.

"Guys, I'm sorry."

"What for?," Lucas looked over at me and I nodded at him.

She turned and looked up at me, her eyes glittering,"Farkle I should've waited for you..."


"Charlie texted me to say that he saw you watching us."

I gulped, she turned to Lucas,"and I'm sorry for blaming what happened between me and Riley on you...and pushing you out of the window."

I nudged her,"I'm sorry I left when you needed someone to back you up."

She smiled weakly.

"And I'm sorry that I was so selfish before," Lucas frowned.

She linked her arms in ours,"it's okay, I love you guys."

I went stiff...and I could see in the corner of my eye that so had Lucas.



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