Coffee stop.

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I stared Farkle as he walked out of Starbucks with a coffee and two muffins. I was hungry...okay?

I crossed the road towards him and took the other muffin out of his pale long fingers.

"Hey!" He snapped with his nerdy voice.

"I'm hungry," I said with a shrug, biting into the muffin and watching as Farkles expression turned from offended to exasperated.

"Is this blueberry?" I scrunched up my nose.

"Mhm," he nodded.

"Yuck," I stared at it then shrugged and took another bite.

"You know you shouldn't really
Just walk up to someone and eat their muffin," he began to walk.

"I don't want you to eat away you're depression," I smirked.

He flinched at the word...even though it hadn't really meant anything.

"What depression?" His voice shook.

"I don't know you just looked annoyed when you walked onto the sidewalk, so I decided that eating two muffins wouldn't help."

"Oh," his shoulders relaxed," you know, you can have this one too," he handed me the chocolate muffin,"I don't really feel like it."

I stared at it then handed it to one of the people passing by, they looked at me confused then raised their eyebrows and took it.

"So what's wrong?," I threw the wrapper in the bin.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Don't say that to Mr.Problem solver," I snapped,"there is always a way, even if that way means loosing your cookie to a stupid little-".

"Zay," he hit me,"that's Riley Matthews you're talking about."

I held up my hands,"okay okay, just tell me what's wrong."

"You seriously don't have anything better to do than steal a guys muffin and force him to confess his issues?"

I put my hands in my pockets and thought for a moment, before coming to the obvious solution.


Farkle sighed,"it's really nothing."

"Great, that means I won't have to do much to help you, now...tell me."

He looked sideways at me,"I invited this girl out and she decided to invite this other guy to come with us."

"Is she hot?"

He laughed,"Well......Yeah?"

"Then you have no chance," I waved him off.

"Thanks," he rolled his eyes.

"So what does the guy look like?"

"Tall, buff, tanned."

"And you're dead."

"I refuse to believe that," he shook his head,"I mean it's the sort of person she is."

"What sort of girl is she?"

"Well there's only one," he smiled.

I stopped letting him walk away.

One unique girl.

One buff, tanned boy.

One nerdy genius.


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