Just not my luck.

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I walked towards the bench, Farkle leaning against it, his head tilted as the men took apart the baking stall. His face glum.

"This is what you watch all the time?," I took a seat next to him.

He looked over at me,"what are you doing here?"

"I got board of watching Desperate housewives."

He smiled and looked back at the dissembling of the stall,"I love that show."

"Hmm," I leaned against the bench,"I'm sorry that I put you through that yesterday."

"I really hate that you keep saying sorry-."


"Because you haven't done anything wrong," he shook his head,"you were defending you're friends Maya, I would've done the same."

"Really? Mop top? Donny Barnes?"

He frowned.

"Uh-Farkle, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said tha-."

"Well, apology accepted...but I'd like you to stop saying sorry."


He sighed, shifting in his place,"What's gotten into Riley?"

"I really don't know."

"Without you two being friends...it's like the end of the world... Nothing has balance."

"Hmm," I frowned,"Charlie is different."

"People change people," he smiled.

"Well," I smiled back at him,"I hope I've rubbed off on you commander Minkus."

He smirked,"you're a terrible influence Miss.Hart."

"Haven't you heard? I like bad boys."


"Hey Lucas!"

The door opened in a rush, his hair was a mess, his skin tone looked...patchy.

"Can't I just go in you're apartment?," I raised an eyebrow.


I arched my eyebrows,"I've saw you're apartment before ,Lucas-."




We were walking down the sidewalk, I pointed to Christmas decorations and Lucas would nod and be silent.... I was starting to get annoyed.

"Lucas are you okay?," I asked as we made our way into Central Park.

"Yeah, I'm uh-fine...."


I grabbed his face and......wiped off the foundation.


"Cheap makeup, I've worn it for years, a girl knows her products.....now you better start explaining," I pointed to the bruise around his eye.



Walked around the park, Zay pointed to a blonde.

"Isn't that Maya?"

I squinted,"yeah."

"She's out with Lucas again, huh?"

I grunted with a nod and and flipped through my phone.

"Look if you have feelings for he-"

"I don't!" I snapped.

He held up his hands,"okay okay, because he really likes her."

"He does?"

"Uh huh."

There was yelling coming from the right of me, that's when I noticed Maya screaming, Lucas pushed up against one of the trees.

I dropped my phone and ran, Zay calling after me.

"STOP IT!," Maya yelled kicking the guy.

He pushed her back,"shut it shortstack!"

Lucas' eyes widened and he grabbed at his throat, kicking out.

I steadied Maya, she looked at me in slight shock.

"Let him go," I said firmly.

The guy looked at me...my heart leapt...he had olive skin and the same persuasive black eyes.

"Minkus," he grinned horribly,"surprised you're still here."

"Let him go Jack."

He looked back at Lucas,"No."

Lucas clawed at his neck.

"Let him go!," Maya yelped as Zay grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Don't you think this is a little childish?"

"We had an agreement Minkus, just like you and I, this one hasn't finished the deal."

"Let him go you bastard!," I snapped and grabbed at his arm, trying my best to push him back.

Lucas fell down a little, steadying himself and catching his breath.

"Are you oka-."


Jack barged for me, his black hoodie covered in dirt and food stains. He dived his hand at my mouth. It filling with.....pills? He'd taken them from his pocket. He put his other hand on my nose. I scampered trying to stay conscious and trying not to swallow the awful substance in my mouth.

Lucas jammed forward along with Zay but my vision had already started to fade....



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