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I slipped in through the window, gazing at the girl. Her eyes staring down in puzzlement.

"Are you okay?-"

"What are!-"

I threw up my arms,"PLEASE DONT PUSH ME AGAIN."

She smiled,"no, I don't have the energy right now."

"How come?," I sat opposite her on the bed, slipping off my shoes and crossing my legs.

She smiled,laughing a little,"stuff."

I touched her hair,"look, Maya I'm sorry."

She looked up, her eyes sharpening then softening,"You street fighting, for money. You got held by the throat then you put not only yourself but Farkle,Zay and me in trouble."

I flinched when she said that it was her I put in trouble....I'd never want that.

She sighed,"I forgive you."


"You're such a huckleberry Frair, but right now I just need some time. You can let yourself out."

She started to walk towards the door, I looked down and gulped.

"I needed the money to support me and my mom..."

She stopped.

"After my dad...left, my mom got depressed and now she hardly leaves the apartment..... There was nothing to eat and we were desperate so I took the job."

She turned, pity drawn on her face,"Lucas..."

"I just went to Farkles," I said,"I apologised and he forgave me. I didn't understand how, but he did."

I stood,"Maya I've made your life terrible sometimes and I honestly can't explain how sorry I am. I've lead you on, I've tore you down, I've rejected you and I've put you in danger......I regret everyone of them."

"Well that means a lot-."

"No Maya it doesn't. And I'm going to try and be important to you...I'm going to try, and I'm always going to be sorry. Because I told you that I'd never hurt you, but that's all I've been doing."

"Lucas," she stepped towards me,"I'm tired."

I bit my lip, "I know...., but before I go."

I kissed her gently on the lips, her eyes followed mine as I pulled away.

"Get your rest," I muttered before leaving out of the window.



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