chapter seven, Under The Sea, Where The Cows Live

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Percy's POV

Percy's mother was suffering even more than before, and he could only watch as she was held captive by the titans and traitors, trapped under the sky. The heavy cloud like formation that should she ever drop it, would crush the world and all its inhabitants. He watched as Luke, the one he'd saved so many years ago, was corrupted. He'd seen it in his dreams, how his cousin got more and more corrupt every day, lured in by lies and empty promises. 

His mother, Artemis, and a titan, Atlas he presumed, were arguing about something, or rather, someone.

"You'll never get her titan! No matter how hard you try.'' She screamed, but it didn't seem to impress the other, as he just laughed.

"Oh, but dear goddess, you have no control over this, i will." His dark laugh echoed trough the mountains, dark clouds swirled in the sky, lightning flashed-

Percy woke with a start, to the sound of someone or something banging on the cabin door. He looked out the window, it was still dark, the lake shimmered in the moonlight. The only sounds other than the banging were the wind in the trees, and the soft sound of the animals in the forest.

Now that he'd listened to the sounds more closely, he noticed that the one making the banging noises sounded a lot like a large herbivore, its hooves clacking against the wooden floor.

Sighing, Percy got out of bed and walked to the door. He opened the door and crossed his arms, looked at the black pegasus. The winged horse still had one hoof raised to bang at the door. 

"Yes?", Percy looked at the animal, "You better have a good reason for waking me at this ungodly hour of the day."

The pegasus whinnied at him, Prince Perseus, there is a sea creature that needs your help.

"What kind of sea creature? Also don't call me Prince Perseus."

Okay boss, the animal responded, and i don't know, that's all the hippocampi told me.

Percy groaned, every time he was near a beach, hippocampi would come to him for help with their problems, and they had a lot of problems; beached whales, porpoises caught in fishing nets, a hippocampus foal with a tantrum - they'd call him to come underwater and help.

''Alright." He said, ''I'm coming."

You're the best, boss, the pegasus neighed

"Please don't call me that- what's your name?"

My name is Blackjack, foal, the horse, Blackjack, answered, and it is disrespectful to call the child of our lord anything but prince.

"Fine." the son of Artemis said, and climbed onto the horse's back with practised grace, "Bring me there, then, if i must help."

The pegasus neiged, something akin to a laugh, and they lifted up, going full speed in the direction of the ocean, the feeling of absolute freedom overwhelming anything else. And Percy emerged himself in the feeling of, for once in his short life, not having to run.

The flew for what seemed like ages, first going up into the clouds, the moisture cool in his face, they stayed there for a while, after that, stey spiraled downing, circling the sea like a bird of prey. Percy hopped of and thanked the pegasus for the ride.

He went down into the dark ocean, going deeper and deeper. When he got close to the bottom, he could see three hippocampi, horses with the tails of fish, they were beautiful. Their tails shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, glowing phosphorescent. Their manes were a pure white, and they were galloping in a circle, nostrils flaring nervously.

As he got closer to them, he saw the problem. A dark shape, some kind of large animal, was stuck halfway under a boat and entangled in a fishing net, one of those big nets to catch everything at once. Man he hated those things. It was bad enough that they drowned dolpins and porpoises, but occasionally, they'd catch mythological animals too. Lazy fisherman would just cut them loose and let the trapped animals die.

The hippocampi were swimming around frantically, wanting to help but not knowing how. One of them was chewing at the net, but hippocampi teeth aren't meant for cutting rope, even though hippocampi are strong, they do not have any hands.

Free it lord, one of the hippocampi said, and the others joined him.

He swam in for a closer look at the trapped creature, at first he'd thought it was a hippocampus foal, but once he got closer he could see it was a calf. A black baby cow with a long and sleek eel tail, with fins on the top and bottom. It had desperate chocolate brown eyes, and a white muzzle, tiny horns adorned its head.

We don't know what it is, lord, one of the hippocampi told him many strange things are stirring

But Percy knew exactly what it was, his mother had told him about the creature, the Ophiotaurus, innocent, harmless, possibly their impending doom. He stroked his hand over its wet fur, whispering soothing words. He had to get this creature to safety, if he didn't they'd be in big trouble.

Together, the son of Artemis and the hippocampi pushed the boat so it was no longer threatening to crush the cow serpent, then began untangling the cow serpent from the net, straightening out lead and fish hooks. All the while he talked to the creature, telling him everything was okay, and the kid slowly calmed down.

Thank you mister, the cow serpent mooed, and swam a happy circle around him.

"It's no trouble." he said, "but we need to get you to safety little one, there are many out there that would kill you for the power they'd obtain."

"I know you can teleport between bodies of water, can you teleport to the shores of Long Island? You know, the island that is, well, long?"

Sure mister, the cow mooed, and vanished into the water.

Percy yawned and climbed up on Blackjacks back, the sun was rising up above the water. He had a long day ahead of him.

A/N: So i hope that was good you guys! I just realized that the last time i updated was in August last year and i was like; holy shit. I was having some mayor writers block, so i scratched the concept i had and started over, and this is what happened.

Please vote for the ship?

Goodbye guys i really hope you like this chapter.

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