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"H-hello?" I heard Ilse stammer.

"Ilse!!" I screeched, running to her and sliding on the hard wood floor. I tried to stop before I rammed into her. She looked at me in shock as I slammed into her and we fell to the floor.

"Ouu, David." She yelled, laughing at the same time. She looked up at me. "What did you do to your hair?!" She asked.

"Oh Ilse you won't believe it!" I exclaimed, rolling off of her and taking off my red wig. "I stripped my hair!" Her eyes widened.

"Why are you wearing a wig?" She asked. "And is that makeup on your face?" I look at her kind of hurt.

"Yes, but I-I can explain." I stammered. Leaning on my elbow. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows. "So as you know, I've been working on an album." She nodded.

"And I've made a character. I've decided what he looks like, and how he dresses. I've named him Ziggy Stardust." I sighed. "But, I've had issues with the makeup. He's supposed to be from Mars." She inhaled.

"Could I help you?" She asked smirking and exhaling. I could feel myself blush and I light up with excitement.

"Yes, yes that would be wonderful!"! I exclaimed hurrying to the island in the kitchen. I could hear the soft thud of her feet as she followed me.

"Okay..." She pulled her hair up with an elastic that was around her wrist. "Sit." She smirked at me and climbed on my lap facing me.

"This should be interesting..." She said before starting on my face.


She hopped off of me an looked at me with admiration, clapping her hands together. "Can I see it?" I asked.

"Yes. Wait hold on." She held up her hand and ran to the front door.

"Are you staying over?" I asked as she came back in holding the wig I had pulled off.

"Yes I am. I was thinking we could just leave from here tomorrow to the airport." She shifted the wig to one side and stood back. "Perfect!" She exclaimed, taking my hand and pulling me to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and my jaw dropped. The person who stared back at me must have been Ziggy. It's what I have been imagining. "Do you like it?" She asked. I nodded and turned to face her.

She was beautiful. Without warning, I stepped in closer to her and kissed her. I could feel her smile as she pulled away. "This is Ziggy." I said.

She stepped out of the bathroom and looked down. "So uh..." She rubbed the back of her neck. "My ex boyfriend, Cole, showed up at the caffè. He came over the other day." She looked up and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"He came all the way from Vermont to see you?" I asked. She nodded.

"He's been having problems and his boyfriend-" I cut her off.

"His boyfriend?" I asked, feeling kind of relieved.

"Yes, his boyfriend and him are in fights all the time. I didn't want him in our life. I wanted him gone." Tears welled up in her eyes, and I wrapped my arm around her. She buried her face in my chest and started to walk her to the living room.

"It's okay." I soothed her. Our life. Had she really said that? She looked exhausted. "Hey, why don't you take a nap while I cook dinner?"

She sobbed and wiped her eyes and nodded. "It'll be ok." She nodded again and collapsed on the couch, falling asleep minutes later.

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