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"Ilse..." I mumbled, swallowing hard. She turned around and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand.
She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I took one small step forward to each her.

          "What do I do?" She asked me as I wiped her tears away with my thumbs. I put my arm around her waist and led her to the doors.

          "Well, Ilse, you know the options. And I will be with you no matter what you choose to do." I sputtered out. She looked up at me.

          "I don't know what I'm going to do." She cried out, spilling more tears.

          "It doesn't matter Ilse. You have time no matter what you choose." I sighed and opened the car door for her. She looked up and tried to smile. "We'll just go home and eat something." She nodded and out her face in her hands.

We drove home in silence and walked into my apartment as quietly as we could. I cleared my throat. "If it would be easier for you, you and Violet can move in with me." I tried to smile. She looked away as she started to walk to the couch. I followed her and watched as she curled up and started to sob.

I went to the kitchen and made her some tea and brought it out to her. Then I went back into the kitchen and made us both sandwiches. "Can you get me a few pickles?" She asked me sobbing once before she looked up.

"I don't think we have pickles..." I trailed off and she gave me a death look. "Well I could go out to the store to get some." I put my hand on the back of my neck.


We were laying in my bed in the pitch black. I rested my head on her bare stomach as she ran her hands through my hair. She took a big breath in and let it out. "It is my baby, right?" The last couple of hours she calmed down enough for us to talk about it without clouded emotions.

"It is your baby, Ziggy." She said. She called me Ziggy and it made me laugh. Then I thought about baby names.

"What are we going to name it?" I asked her.

"David..." She sighed. "I might not even... Well let's stop kidding ourselves. I'm not getting an abortion and I'm not going to give the baby away. I'm keeping the baby." She sighed and I smiled.

My smile faded. "Are you sure you want to keep it?" I asked.

"Yes, yes, David, let's talk about baby names."

"Girl or boy names first?" I asked.

"Girl names are harder..." She trailed off. "Hazel." She suggested.

"Roslyn." I said to her.

          "Charlotte." She said.

          "Roslyn-Charlotte." I suggested.

          "I like that one." She said.

I smirked.

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