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         Ilse woke me up. "David! Wake up. IT'S CHRISTMAS!" She sat up and bounced around like a little kid.

          "Okay, okay. I'm up." She sat on me and wrapped her legs around my waist. I smiled at her.

          "I love you." She said pressing her forehead to mine. She instantly pulled back. "David you're burning up!" She exclaimed. I put my hand on my forehead.

I did feel quite hot. I stood up as she took my arm and led me to the couch in front of the huge window looking out over London. It had started to snow. "Stay there." She said holding her hand out and running to the bathroom. She came back with a face cloth, aspirin and some water. "Take these and lay down." She ordered. Then she put the face cloth on my head.

I watched as she stood up and turned on the TV before coming back and putting her legs around my waist and lay down on my chest. I sighed and smiled at her, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.


The phone was ringing. I felt a weight come off of me as Ilse went to answer it. "Daddy?" I heard her ask. "Why are you calling so early." A pause. "Oh. Silly me. It's a different time in Vermont." Another pause. "You can't bring mom here..." she trailed off. I could hear the stress in her voice. "Okay, fine. It's Christmas." She talked for a great deal more before hanging up.

"Oh you're up!" She looked down at me and smiled. "I was just going to go and cook something. Are you feeling better?" I nodded and lifted myself up onto my elbows. She grabbed my hands and helped me up. "My dad called. Him and my mom are coming to visit in 3 days."

          "I heard you. Do you need help cooking? Are you going to tell them?" I asked, questions all over the place. She nodded.

         "I'm going to tell them. And you can help cook if you would like..." she trailed off. I stood up and put a record on the player before joining her in the kitchen.

          I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her midsection before kissing the top of her head.


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