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We stepped into the airport terminal. Our plane didn't leave until 10am and it was only 8:30. Ilse sat down in a chair, looking a bit uncertain. But I have taken planes more times than I can count. She sighed and pulled out a book to read.

"Hey..." I whispered into her ear and resting my hand on top of hers. "Are you ok?" She nodded and looked up with her big green eyes.

"I'm... I'm fine." She stuttered. I nodded and pulled her close to me. She rested her head on my shoulder and quickly fell asleep.


"Rows 1 through 10!" The lady said over the loudspeaker.

"Ilse! Wake up." I whispered and shook her softly. Her eyes fluttered open and she moaned softly. I helped her up and we walked onto the plane.

We quickly found our seats and sat down. She looked a bit flustered and kept looking around. "You've been on a plane before, yes?" I asked leaning forward and raising my eyebrows. She looked at me and blushed.

"Yes." She nodded and turned back around again.

"We will be taking off soon." The flight attending said over the loud speaker. Ilse leaned back and huddled in the seat.

"Would it help if I sang to you." She looked at me and sighed. "Maybe it will take your mind off of the takeoff..." She nodded quickly and cuddled against me with her hands near her chin. So I stated to sing as she looked up into my eyes and I stated down at hers.

...Oh You Pretty Things
Don't you know you're driving your
Mamas and Papas insane
Oh You Pretty Things
Don't you know you're driving your
Mamas and Papas insane...

          The plane was high in the air when I finished and Ilse had once again fallen asleep, curled in my arms.


          The flight wasn't more than 2 hours. But I could be wrong, as I was looking through the window of the plane the whole time.

          Ilse was driving and I was playing with the radio in the passengers seat. "David." She said in a small voice, still looking at the road.

          "Mmm." I mumbled and looked at her running my hands through my hair. It was my turn to be nervous. I was meeting her dad, step-mum, and two little twin brothers for the first time.

          "What was that? That you sang to me on the plane?" She asked.

          "It was a song that is on one of my earlier albums." I explained blushing.

          "It was a great song." She whispered.

          "Why, thank you." I said flustered. She smiled and I rested my hand on her knee. She stiffened for a minute before relaxing.

          "I'm sorry... I'm just a little bit nervous. I haven't seen my family in quite a while." She exhaled, with a look I didn't recognize in her eyes.

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