Chapter 3

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Oliver's POV
The band had been playing for a while now and I knew that there was a fifteen minute break coming up, however I was to busy looking for my mate to care about the band anymore. Suddenly I felt as though someone was watching me and I looked up. My breath caught in my throat as I looked up at the stage. It seemed to me that Luke Watson was staring straight at me. He was soon back to looking around and I brushed it off as I continued my search for my mate. It had been about two minutes since the host had dismissed us and I was standing next to Kayla not really paying her any heed as she gushed on about Luke. Suddenly two security guards walked over to me. "Sir would you please come with us?" I just gave them a blank look as I tried to think of why I was being told to go with security. "What?! He hasn't done anything wrong." Kayla spoke up quickly, but I held up my hand to silence her. "Sir, please we really need you to come." As I looked in their eyes I could tell that they were scared. Why would they be scared if I didn't go with them? Well whatever. I nodded and Kayla looked at me in shock. "Ollie what are you thinking?! She whisper yelled. "Look Kayla, I know you're worried but chill okay? I'm sure it's nothing but I don't want to be kicked out." I replied in a whisper to her. She relaxed and nodded as the two guards escorted me away. However instead of leading me to the exit or security area as I expected, they lead me backstage. "Excuse me but this is the backstage area is it not?" I asked thoroughly confused. The guard on my left only nodded. We walked until we were almost next to the stage and I noticed that there were two members of alpha and omega standing there. As we got closer I could see that it was like Watson and Josh Dremner. I also noticed that the smell of chocolate and strawberries had grown stronger. Finally we stood directly behind Luke and I could no longer concentrate as the smell was making me dizzy. The guard cleared his throat loudly and Luke whipped around to face me. It was then that I noticed just how gorgeous he was. He was wearing tight black jeans and a white tank top with a red plaid shirt over top. His blonde hair that reached his ears was brushed messily out of his face, showing his piercing above his left eyebrow and stunning green eyes. My wolf who had been quiet was now screaming at me to go to my mate. Wait! Hold up. Luke Watson, lead singer of a major band and a guy no less was my MATE?! This wasn't gapping. It's a dream right? I mean I'm an alpha. An alpha needed to reproduce to create an heir but two guys can't do that. But none the less here I was with a male mate. We had been staring at each other without moving until he walked up to me. Then without saying a word he leaned in and kissed me. I was in shock as he continued to kiss me. My first kiss was with a guy that just happened to be my mate!? Wait he's my mate. As soon as I came to that realization, I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. Why did he have to be a couple inches taller then me? I pouted to my self. We must have been kissing for about a minute when someone coughed and we jumped apart.

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