Chapter 7

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Oliver's POV
A month had passed since the concert and I had yet to tell my family that I had met my mate, let alone the fact that I was mated. I had tried to bring it up but that had gone horribly wrong. Now I was truthfully terrified that I was going to be thrown out of my pack.
My mom was sitting on the couch watching tv the day after the concert when I mustered up my courage to ask her what she thought of homosexuals. "Hey mom." I said as casually as I could while internally I was hyperventilating. "Hey baby boy. What's up?" She smiled over at me as I sat down on the opposite couch. "Hey so umm my teacher was talking about homosexuality the other day and I was wondering what you thought about it." I lied. She frowned. "Well it's not really proper. But us werewolves don't need to worry about it. I've only ever heard about a few homosexual couples." She shuddered and I gave her a false smile. "Thanks mom. I'm gonna head out now though. Denver and I are gonna go to town to watch a movie." I said walking quickly out of the room. Denver was my other best friend and the eldest son of my dad's Beta. He also hadn't found his mate surprisingly. Trying not to burst into tears, I walked out to met up with Denver.
End of Flashback
Anyway it was now time for me to leave for school. Truthfully I didn't really want to go. I had been feeling off all week and had even thrown up on a couple occasions, but I didn't dare stay home for fear of my family finding out that I was mates and to whom it was to. Running downstairs passed the kitchen, I called out a goodbye to my mom who was washing up from breakfast which I had slept through. That was another thing, I was utterly exhausted. I was actually starting to get worried but I pushed my anxiety away as I remembered that I was meeting up with Luke for the first time since the concert today. I was dying to see him and so was my wolf apparently as he kept crying out for our mate. By the time I reached my first class I was extremely nauseous. It was only halfway through the class when I felt the bile rising up in the back of my throat. Knowing I wouldn't make it to the bathroom in time I opted for the garbage can in the back of the room. Rushing out of my seat I barely made it before everything I had eaten the evening before ended up in the trash can. After I had finished I wiped my mouth and looked back up at the class. Everyone, including the teacher had turned to face me with looks of shock. "Umm I'll just go to the nurses office." I said in a small voice. "I'll go with him." Kayla told the teacher, who just nodded, unsure of what to do. "Thanks Kayla." I told as we made our way down the hallway to the nurses office. "Okay what is happening Ollie? Don't lie, tell me everything." Kayla's eyes flashed. "I'm not sure of what you're talking about." I said looking over at Kayla. "Ollie this is the forth time you've thrown up this week. You're constantly tired, not to mention the fact that you're eating three times what you normally eat. You're acting just like a pre-." She stopped and grabbed my hand, dragging me towards the front entrance of our school. "Kayla, where are we going? It's the middle of school. We can't just ditch. Plus Luke's picking me up after school." I whined to her, but she didn't stop till we reached her car. Then she turned to face me. "Listen I don't think that anything is going to come of this, but I want to test something. Don't worry we'll be back in time to met Luke." She said the last bit with a grin. I still had no idea as to where we were going, but all to soon Kayla pulled up in front of a drug store and turned off the engine. "You stay put. I just need to grab something. I'll be right back." She said as she turned to face me. I nodded and she smiled then got out of her car. As I watched her walk away I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me and I leaned back against the seat. I'll just close my eyes for a minute I thought closing my eyes. The next thing I knew Kayla was shaking me awake. "Ollie we're at my house. Come on wake up." Groaning I obeyed and stumbled out of the car. We went upstairs, but just as I was about to enter Kayla's bedroom she pushed me into her bathroom. It was then that I noticed she was holding a bag. Putting the bag into the counter, she pulled out a pregnancy test and my mouth dropped open. "Kayla is there something you're not telling me?" I asked still staring at her. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "No you moron. This is for you." She said and I froze. "Kayla do you realize what you're saying?! That's a pregnancy test! I am a guy! Guys don't get pregnant!" I was basically screaming at her by now. Then to both of our complete surprise I burst into tears. I have never cried in front of her ever. What was happening to me? "This is exactly what I'm talking about. I described your symptoms to the pharmacist, don't worry she doesn't know you're a guy, anyway she said that those are common symptoms of pregnancy." Kayla explained gently to me while I swiped desperately at the tears that continued to rolled down my cheeks. "Relax Ollie. I'm sure that nothing's going to come of it. I just wanted to make sure, okay?" She assured me. I nodded then took the test from her hands and gently pushed her out of the bathroom. After I finished taking the test, I waited with baited breath. Two minutes passed and I hesitantly looked down at the test. I stared in stunned silence then collapsed on the floor sobbing in a ball.

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