Reapings ~ District 2

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Nia Dawson's P.O.V.


My shuriken lodges between the tree right where I wanted it to. This is too easy, a grin spreads across my face. This is going to be fun.

I just got finished watching the District 1 reapings live with my dad. The little one, Rizzy, I think her name was, will be so fun to kill. Just the thought of me lodging a shuriken right in that little girls chest excites me.

I'll make sure to quickly ally with Jordan, Gevens, Eva and possibly Sapphire. They seem perfect to fight along side me in the career pack. Early this morning I walked to the training academy, just located down the steet from my home, and talked to my instructor, Mr. Green. He said I was perfect for this and as long as I get my hands on shurikens I'll be A okay. He also informed me and another girl from the academy, Alice that this year all the tributes will be on the same train and you will be required to form alliances during the train ride. The capitol wants aliances this year since 6 can survive these games.

I have never been very fond of Alice, she is only 14 and just meteokre with spears. I feel like her volunteering will cause her death. She won't make it. At least I won't allow it. If she tries to join our alliance i'll slit her throat in her sleep and the lovely cannon will go off before she has a chance to open her eyes.

I turn my attention back to the 5 shurikens in my hand. I position one in my right hand, about to throw it at the tree but my dad crunching leaves behind me so sudenly startles me and I quickly throw it at the tree and it misses by a few inches. I swear under my breathe.

"I'm ready to volunteer." I snap at him, still angry he made me miss my target.

"Not throwing like that you aren't!" He snaps back which infuriates me more than it should.


I angrily turn around, towards him, planning the toss in my head, I throw the shuriken and it harmlessly sails just inches over his head and lodges in the tree behind him.

"That's better." He smiles.

"Better go get ready before you are late!" He says in a more cheerful tone.

I pick up my shurikens off the ground and run into my room, placing them in my "weapon drawer." I store all the stuff I practice with in here. There is 3 small stacks of shiny shurikens that I use almost everyday, and a small stack of throwing knives that are rather dusty, due to them rarely being used.

I wiggle into a short black dress, that used to be my mother's reaping dress. Before she was killed.

It was a rainy Saturday. Once a month in District 2 all the peecekeepers have short tests. Anyone who messes up, even slightly, are publicly executed. If their family doesn't attend they are whipped in the square. It's awful. Both my mother and father were peecekeepers and he was there when it happened. Now he works in a small food shop. A less violent job.

It was time for her test and according to my dad, their commander was really mad that day and had no mercy in him, which is why 11 others were killed with her that day. She was given a task, which she failed and was dragged to the square. She punched, kicked, bit, anything to try getting away but it was no use. By that time there were 5 cheifs clamped onto her.

I was instantly dragged to the square by my father since it was manditory. Even though I was only 9, and I'm 16 now, I still remember it like it was yesterday.

I was dragged down the street, in my purple pajamas by my father who was bawling his eyes out and I had no idea what was happening.

I remember her fighting the head chief, who was struggling to tie down her hands, and he punched her hard in the side of the head to shut her up. As a kid, it really hurt to watch.

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