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-Author's Note: Hi my losers! (Jk ily guys). Claire will be in the chapter after this! Plus, you may see a slight bit of romantic interest coming in here soon in the story. Heeeh 😏. Anyways! I hope you enjoy it~!-

After a few minutes of waiting, I hear a knock on the door, but before I could stand up to get it, Awsten opens the door for me. It was the faces of two police officers. One of them being older, and blonde/grey hair. The other one is very tan, with black hair. They look at us. "There was a call here?" The older one says, holding his badge up.

"Yeah." Awsten answers, and lets them in to see the house.

"My name is Officer Carl." The older one says. "And this is my partner, Officer Jones."

"Okay." I say politely.

"So.. Can you explain to us what happened here?" He gets out a notepad like he's ready to write down whatever I say.

"Well, to start. I've been getting some threatening phone calls from someone I used to know. He had told me he knows where I live, and.. He wanted to find me. So I stayed the night over at my friend, Awsten's house." I point at him. "I got home and the house was like this. Oh, and.." I unfold the note and hand it to them. "This note was left."

"What was your relation to this person?" The older one asks.

"Well, I, uh.." I rub my eyes and scratch my head. "It's an old... Friend... Also the father of my child." I look down at my feet.

When I do look back up, the cop looks shocked, as if he's never heard this before. "How old are you?" He asks.

"I'm 19." I sigh.

"Alright." He puts the notepad back.  "So, you're pretty sure you know who did this then?"

"Positive!" I shout. "Besides, it gives it away."

"Do you have any photos of this man?" Jones asks, walking closer to me.

"N-No. But I do know what he looks like? If it helps." I grab a piece of paper and write down all the details I remember.

Dark brown hair
Green/brown eyes
Small scar on left side of neck
Arm tattoo of a whiskey bottle
Very pale

I hand the paper to him. "This is all I remember."

"This'll do." He clears his throat. "Any other information you know of? His birthday? Car?"

"N-Not really... The last car I remember of his was a red Dodge of some type." I rack my memory trying to think of anything else.

"That'll do fine enough." He walks back over to his parter, who had been chatting to Awsten.

"Alright. You call us immediately if you see somethin' suspicious. A'ight?" Jones nods at me.

"Yeah..." I give them a fake smile.

"I'd suggest goin' somewhere though. It's not fully safe here. If you wanna keep yourself safe, get somewhere for a bit till we find him. Sound good?" He walks closer to the door.

"Oh... Okay." I show them out.

"Fuck!" I immediately yell.

"Hey, hey it's gonna be okay." Awsten puts his hands on my shoulders gently. "They'll find him soon, I know it."

"Ugh, I need to rent a motel for a while." I sigh.

"Well.. You can stay with me if you want until they find him!" He offers.

"But... I can't." I walk over and sit down in the chair.

"Yes you can! I would love some company for even longer anyways." He laughs.

"How about... I stay at a motel tonight. That way it gives me time to get our stuff ready. And then I can go to your place?" I suggest.

"Hmm.." He looks around like he's contemplating it. "Deal." He grins.

"Good!" I smile. "I don't want that guy to find me."

"How old is he anyways?" He asks.

"Right now? I think he's 25." I cringe at the thought of him.

"Damn. What happened was four years ago. You were 15, he was 21. That makes it so much more illegal." He looks at me, wide-eyed.

"Yep.." I sigh. "But I didn't tell the cops that because... Well. I never told anyone. I didn't tell them the age. I was young and stupid. So he never went to jail. If I told them now, I'd get all the questions of 'Why didn't you tell anyone earlier??' bullshit. And I don't want all of that."

"That makes sense, I guess..." He sits down beside me. "I don't know how someone could do something like that to someone else." He shakes his head slowly.

"I dunno. It's sick." I glare down at my feet, remembering the night again. Sometimes it happens and I break down, but I can't right now. Awsten is here. I think about the force used against me that night as my clothes were ripped off no matter how hard I fought it and pushed away. But before I know it, I feel a tear dribble down my right cheek.

Then, I sniff and Awsten looks at me. "Are you okay?"

I didn't know how to respond, so I just leaned my head on his shoulder and started crying. He wrapped my arm around my neck. "I- I don't understand." I say in between sobs.

"It's okay.." He rubs my back lightly for comfort and then he sighs. "You're my friend. I'm not gonna let anything hurt you. Okay? That's what friends are for."

"R-Right." I agree, nodding, but still keeping my head on his inner shoulder. 

After I cried, and finished sobbing my eyes out, I got a small bag ready for Lillian and I to use at the motel for the night. "Are we ready to go yet??" Lillian jumps around.

"Yep!" I smile at her. "All ready."

"Yayy!!" She runs out to the car and climbs in.

"You sure you wanna drive me there..?" I look at him before getting in.

"Positive!" He smiles reassuringly, and we get in the car.

-Hi there again. I hope you liked it! I have some plot twists planned for the end of this already! A bit early for that haha 😄. I'm gonna try and make some longer chapters tho.-

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