2|Run As Fast As You Can.

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Walking down the street casually. My heels clicking melodiously on the pavement. The sun lowered on the horizon, I was already late for the Poetry Slam session at Brew's.

I didn't want to miss anything, especially when Milo was waiting for me. He hated my habitual ability to be late for everything. It was a talent, really. Going too early, would be awkward since there would be too few people and too much waiting time. It was only logical to come that early.

I wrap my coat closer to my body as I spot a partner of men leaning together. They turn their attention to me. Damn. I really shouldn't have wore the heels.


They wait for me to come closer, eyeing me from head to toe. My heart skips a beat as I near them. Please, please, please don't approach me. I keep my head held up high, and focus on my destination ahead. I quicken my pace whilst avoiding their watchful gazes. The two men talk among themselves. One much hairier than his friend who was wearing a neon cap.


My heels yelled as I neared the two adoscelents. Now closer, they were faintly familiar. Strangely, a part of me knew them from somewhere. I'm not just sure how and where.

I'm a feminist, no man must scare me. I eat threats, misogyny and sexist politics for breakfast. This shouldn't scare me, I'm a fighter. I don't tolerate street harrassment. Catcalling is a big no.

But then one of them makes a move,
"Hey, baby" says the hairier guy.
I ignore him. Inside, I'm panicking. Oh my, God.

"Come on, sugar, come stay with us." His friend purrs, touching my waist.
I immediately flinch, give him my iciest glare. Despite everything, I'm scared. He tries to touch me again, I push him away angrily.

"Now, that wasn't very nice." Beard-Face frowns, then says, "After all, we just wanna hang out."

I walk alway briskly, with a goal of escape. But then, Neon Cap grabs my wrist. I'm pulled with a great amount of force. They shroud me an ally beside an abandoned building.

Oh my, God. Where is the police? Is there anyone out there? Am I going to get raped? Will I die? Will they throw my body somewhere people will never find me?

To his friend Neon Cap chuckles, "grab 'em in the pussy, right?" referencing Donald Trump's infamous sexist remark. Neon Cap responds, as if to please his friend by doing so.

Shoving his disgusting hand into my pants. I trash wildly, try to headbutt him and bite.

"GET OFF ME!" I say repeatedly, try to knee his shin, his groin - anything to get off that slimy hand of my private.

"Dang, this one's wild. Wilder than the others." says Beard-Face, then adds "crazy asian chick."

Neon Cap pulls away the hand and clasps my shoulders with all his might. I struggle to get Neon Cap's grip off me. But he's stronger and a foot taller. He grabs my shoulder and squeezes it as hard as he could. I cry out in pain, tears slide down my cheeks. Neon Cap pulls me close, his hot breath fans my cheek. A shiver travels down my spine. My vision blurs a bit, behind Neon Cap was Beard-Face wearing a sick smile. I jab hard him with my elbow. He groans and staggers. I break into a run, I see freedom. Almost there.

But I slam, his companion blocks me out of the view. He grabs me, pulling me into a one-arm bear hug with all his force.

"That's not how you treat a man, Dollface." Beard-Face whispers, "We know you want it the moment we saw you walking down the street in those heels."

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