6| The Gathering.

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Milo and I get off the bus. He's getting impatient, as we start walking down the sidewalk. He doesn't look me in the eye, and keeps his pace as fast as possible. My short legs are struggling to keep up.

"Slow down, Milo" I complain, as we push past the crowds. For a moment, I don't think he'll comply but he does. I slam into him at the sudden halt. His lips form a ghost of a smile. PRICK. "Jeez. Do you even know where we're going?"

Of course, he doesn't. I never told him where the meeting was or what time exactly. Other than it was near the Hyde Square. He's also still upset with me. I haven't really told him anything since I skipped class with Taryn.

He doesn't answer and instead sits down on the nearest bench possible. Milo's face is twisted in a frown, his arms are crossed. He looks like an angry man-baby but like, without the baby fat and adorableness. A bratty todler, more like. He inaudibly pats the seat, so I sit.

"We're going to be late, you know." I snap, his blue eyes are a storm.

"You aren't even telling me what we're attending. In fact, you aren't even telling me anything! You've been acting strange ever since you got back and you wouldn't even tell me a single thing about how you're feeling. Or even bits of it! It's like I'm expecting a wall to talk back at me. I don't who this Claudia is and I want my Claudia back." He's raising his voice now, passers-by take glances in our direction. But we don't care, we're having an argument. Here and now, in broad daylight.

"Of course, I'm acting strange I had a traumatising life event and I'm trying to get out of my mother's grip on me." I fire back, "because you told on me."

"Hey!" He throws his hands up frustratingly, "I didn't tell on you, your mom asked me so I answered!"

"You know how my mom can get paranoid! "

"God knows, what you were doing with Orion." He says, mentioning Taryn. "You never tell me anyways."

"I'm sorry, and I will. But not now, we have to get to the meeting." I mumble, getting up from my seat. I look at Milo expectantly and he does the same.

"Fine." He sighs, his tone softens when he says "I'm sorry I yelled. I'm sorry for pushing you, but you gotta promise to tell me what's going on. Okay? I'm here for you."

"I promise." I hold out my pinky finger and interlock it with Milo's.

We start walking, with me leading this time. With all argument resolved and drama pushed aside, I feel lighter. Maybe the reason why Milo can tend to be so melodramatic is because he watches too much K-drama. He tries to deny it in front of others, but he does. He clings unto my hand, as we weave our way through the busy sidewalks.

"Does this mean that I won the argument?" I tease, wiggling my eyebrows playfully.

"No." He says, making a face.

Milo and I had arrived at the familar pink ice cream parlor. We see Taryn's red car parking out front. When we enter the venue, we spot them sitting in one of the large booths. There was Joan, her two assistants, whose names I will soon know of. Then Taryn immersing herself in a deep conversation with Joan. Beside her was a friend, Holland Stern who seems quite bored to be here and was busying himself with a cone of ice cream. 

Joan waves at us to come over. I tug at the hand of a confused Milo as we make our way to the booth. "What are we going to do?" He whispers into my ear. He eyes one of Joan's  assistants, who has crazy green hair and multiple piercings.

"Tell you later" I whisper back, then turn to Joan and co. "Hey guys! Sorry we're a bit late. Had some stuff to be done."

"It's fine, you're friend here, is great company." Joan says gesturing Taryn graciously. She then waves at her two companions. "This is Iris" gesturing the green-haired girl with many piercings, "And this is Dan" Dan gives us a small smile and then timidly sips his coffee. "Dan, Iris, this is Claudia who presented the idea and her friend-"

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