3|Bathroom Stall Woes.

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It wasn't long till my parents decided it was time get back to school and normal lives before the whole incident. It was no doubt that I was the talk of the town. And I absolutely hate it.

The whole thing was shocking and the news sent back a wave of mixed opinions. I was fully aware of how I was is a gray area of pity and pariah. But what was I to do? What would anyone do in a situation like that?

Milo, having to be my neighbour, and best friend came over everyday after learning what had happened. With him, tagged along some good friends. He brought food and movies, as he tried to comfort me.

Thank God, for Milo's existence.

It was clear how he had forgiven me for bailing on him at Brew's, even if he hadn't admitted it. Milo was one to hold grudges.

The gossip according to them, spread like a wildfire. It was no surprise that Elmerwood High wouldn't catch such a story. It was on school newspapers and notes passed in class. I've recieved so many texts from so many people, both well-wishers and victim-blamers. So it must be true.

Which made me dread going to the blasted school even more. If I went to class I would be a walking wonder. Both loved and loathed by the mass, who would not be likely to come an inch close to what I ever felt like then. It was sure that I would recieve a lot of critique. And that was a heavy burden that made me feel like I needed to prepare.

And so I did.

The day arrived, and I spent a morning prepping myself. I put on my red lipstick and winged my eyeliner for extra confidence and wore a good outfit. My favorite color, a shade of pastel pink, in hope, that it would keep me going throughout the day.

My mother drops Milo and I off at the high school parking lot. My shoes hit the damp pavement and puddle water splashes over my calf. I grunt in dismay,

"Here" Milo says, immediately procuring a piece of tissue. I take it and clean myself up hastily.

"Thanks, Milo" I say, bundling up the dirty little tissue into a ball, then stuffing it into my pocket. "You're my hero."

"Oh, stop it, you!" He replies humbly, as his cheeks redden. He was grinning with one eyebrow arched up in a teasing manner. "Whatever will you do without Milo the Magnificent?" He says, now cocky.

"Pfft, sounds like a kid's nickname they gave themselves after faking the coin trick." I joke, while smacking him on the arm.

"For the last time, Claudie, I didn't fake the coin trick!" He exclaimed. For a moment, we stop walking. I look at him pointedly, arms crossed.

"Okay, fine." He sighs defeatedly, "I faked it."

The cold and gray morning seemed more alive with him. We walked on, towards the school doors. The pavement was wet, cold and sticky. There's light rainfall, almost like mist that swirl around the air.

"Hey, bruha!" Noelle shouts, leaning against the her car. She twirls her braids playfully with one arm, while other holds a clear umbrella. She looks really pretty today. Her caramel complexion glows like the sun in contrast of the gray and gloomy weather of the morning. Confidence and joyful energy is coming off her like a beacon. And soon I'm infected.

"Hi, bruhaaa!" I echo back. I'm happy to see her, as she wasn't able to drop by. She comes up to hug me, her umbrella falling on the pavement. I almost forget that she's taller as she buries me in her warmth. I'm taken aback and eventually hug her back.

"That was a brave thing you did, hija. I'm so proud of you for whooping their asses." She says fiercely, she looks me in the eye with such boldness. My chest feels heavy, I'm trying not to remember. Or at least, not feel emotion while remembering. I feel intimidated as her eyes darken. She sees the corner of my lips form into a frown. She squeezes my arms before letting go and then smiles brightly.

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