♚ Move #7:

3 0 0

Mysterious artist adds color to city

A mysterious character has been remodeling city buildings and city slums on his own agenda for years now, but it seems like his bold actions are finally captivating the attentions of the public, not just assorted supporters of his previously obscure cause. Speaking from a judicial point of view, his style and execution of graffiti is really an act of blatant vandalism in itself, being plastered on the sides of both derelict buildings and even also the official headquarters of high-ranking agencies or companies. However, as these works of art are scrawled only on the exterior of the buildings themselves, only surveillance cameras capture any trace of this elusive, fascinatingly mysterious- as well as absolutely incomprehensible- character.

In all footage taken, he is seen dressed all in black with the greek symbol Sigma printed on the back of his jacket. He has a masculine frame, as far as can be told, and is of medium height and breadth.  There are no close-ups of his face at this point, and no one who knows anything about these mysterious night-time works seems to be stepping up to offer us a full account. It looks like our rogue artist will be keeping his secrets for a while yet.

I, for one, have to admit that the mystery is only part of the appeal. His works are quite amazing too~ if fleeting, as city maintenance always promptly make sure that all signs of the giant masterpieces are gone by the time most people have the opportunity to have a good view of them, whether accidental or in specific search for the next mural.

Each production is always accompanied by a scrawled message of sorts in the corner. They seem to be somewhat cryptic poems- not riddles though- that border on the morbid and slightly alarming in what they say about our Sigma’s character. However, that could just be another artistic fancy of our mystery man. The poems so far always start with:



city of glass

and steel and concrete”

Admittedly, that’s a very poetic way to put the truth, even if the remainder of the written pieces may bother some.

The public’s steadily growing interest in this character has even result in several pseudo-Sigmas and fan sites dedicated to following his works and predicting where he will strike next. People speculate on his identity, his purpose, and even whether or not he is simply seeking attention. I’m sure we’ll find that out in due time.

Well, to you, Sigma, if you are out there: you are certainly getting attention, whether you want it or not!

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My eyes skimmed down the lines of text in disbelief. That’s the kind of thing that people are fixated on these days? Wow. Not to mention that this particular blog is usually pretty interesting too. I do wonder what this Sigma character is like, to leave poems and drawings scrawled on the sides of governmental buildings. He could potentially be interesting.

However, it’s unlikely that I will ever meet him, so it’s not really worth thinking about. I scrolled down a bit more and scanned through a few more updates in my feed.

A post on a discovered corrupt politician, two on foreign policy, one with an update on a show I liked. That one was sent to my viewing queue.

An ad. A public service announcement. A message from mom… updates about her class and the current core project they’re working on. Fascinating. So fascinating.

Then, my eyes fell on something that definitely caught my attention. This was the kind of thing that people need to notice more.

Recent flux of gruesome murders connected?

As we all know, the so-called ‘black light district’ of Eden is considered by most to be the district- both literal and figurative- that encompasses all things dangerous, illegal, and disreputable.

Those would be the connotations of disreputable anyways, wouldn’t they?

Deaths are, let’s face it, all too common in this area and rarely pique the interest of any police or investigation agencies. What happens at World’s End stays in World’s End (the district’s name in BlackLighter lingo). That is held as the truth among BlackLighters.

However, a specific set of World’s End deaths last month really have drawn the attention of both the CWP (Commonwealth Police) and the PCID (Private Criminal Investigation Department). Brutalized corpses were discovered on varying dates for two weeks, until they suddenly stopped. During the first wave of deaths, the victims were seemingly unrelated and the murderer unbiased in terms of race, gender, age, or other significant factors. This only serves to complicate the case for investigators of any party.

Multiple parties investigating the same crime would be what only complicates things. That’s the worst policy imaginable. How is productivity to be expected if these are people who fight over whose warning tape to put for the first day or so?

In fact, both the reason that investigators became involved in these incidents and the reason they believe the crimes are connected is the pure brutality and sadism in the murders themselves. Autopsies reveal that some of the victims were likely tortured and left to die, whereas others were, so to say, put out of their misery rather efficiently. It is not possible to tell whether any bodies were damaged or moved to other locations after death, but most seem to have acquired the injuries over a length of time.

The lapse in the murders were for all we knew, the last of this crime wave. That is, until a new blood night a week ago, on which three bodies were found in succession- outside of just World’s End. It seems that those of us believing, and hoping, that the murders were a horrible, unspeakable monster  confined to the unspeakable district are very much misled. Since then, two more bodies have been discovered , again of unidentifiable- if any- connections to any other victims.

Investigators have yet to confirm that the murders were committed by the same person based on the evidence. They have also declined to comment or offer any information other than what has been deemed to be at public clearance from the filed reports.

The morbid mystery remains, as yet, unsolved. Those following these events will be on the edge of their seats awaiting new developments in the upcoming days.

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This might be something worth keeping track of.

Maybe I’ll also take a little peek and find out of those filed reports are of anything real use. Who knows, maybe all those departments were a lot more productive than I had expected.

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