♚ Move #5:

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Shaon closed the door of her moderately-sized apartment and the lights flickered on in response. By familiar reflex only, she padded over to turn on her computer before slipping into the bedroom to change. She reappeared free of her gear in front of the loaded screen and clicked on the glowing inbox icon. In a quick sweep, she first deleted the spam and archived the notifications and comments for replying over dinner.

The remnants were the really interesting ones.

They didn’t disappoint.

The first was the latest transaction and paycheck. The next was a contract extension on her column for the next month. And… what’s this? It’s causing that much of a ruckus? Oh, yes, perfect! Looks like I was a step ahead.

Without checking the rest of the messages, Shaon refilled her battered coffee cup and darted back into the bedroom for her camera and notepad. Linking both up to the back of the monitor with practiced efficiency, Shaon sat back down for a sip of coffee to wait for the processors to load. When they’d finished, she scrolled through her day’s products and opened up an image and a note file.

Quickly, she resized the image and posted a thumb of it, alongside a brief label, onto her page and tagged every magazine, blog, and newspaper she had connections with. It was originally going to be another indie arts and aesthetics post, but who’d have guessed that it was creating a biggers storm now? The mysteriously unidentifiable person behind it all is probably the reason.

However, that all has nothing to do with her. Shaon  is only in charge of spreading the news. She was going to finish this particular blurb in an hour if it killed her. When any tidbit of information has to do with a storm, you ride the waves for all they’re worth. The first to address it gets the most attention, of course.

After another gulp of coffee, Shaon cracked her knuckles and set to work typing.

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