♚ Move #11:

3 0 0

Notorious hacker turned killer?

As promised, I have some special updates about our BlackLighter Murders case (the name is no longer accurate, but it has stuck as a label). Many of you most likely hold part of puzzle right in your port drives, and it may or may not have caused you a fair bit of alarm when you received it.

A day after the second non-World’s End body was discovered, several user information databases of the popular social networking and profiling site GateWire were accessed through bypassing security. Firewalls showed normal functional rates and site technicians knew nothing until the same disturbing status conversation popped up simultaneously in the inboxes of virtually all GateWire users, including the technicians themselves. It was only by what remains of the access coding and the timing of the messages that technicians ascertained that the hacker spread the message through database address collections and not merely contact lists.

Security today is not something to laugh at, and the most popular sites obviously demand the best of security that can hopefully stump even the most talented net criminal. However, the situation states that a very talented hacker was responsible for the message spread through GateWire statuses, and the message was a clear- albeit useless- confession that the hacker, dangerous in his own right, is one and the same as our BlackLighter Murderer.

In response, of course, investigational forces have headed to the expertise of hackers themselves (under anonymity) to find suspects with skills as demonstrated. Plenty of fingers pointed to this investigation’s new, first prime suspect: the notorious hacker Jane Doe, famous for her unconcealed trips into the most heavily encrypted of databases and files which seem to almost never have a motive behind them.

The foremost piece of evidence. The day that the GateWire message was sent out, Jane Doe posted shortcuts on her own Gate of certain filed reports- reports that were supposed to be under clearance levels in CWP (Commonwealth Police) and PCID (Private Criminal Investigation Department)  files, not published into the public domain. It seemed that Jane Doe had taken an interest in the case. Specifically, it seems that she’d take an interest in what investigations currently had to say about the case. In addition, Jane Doe’s GateWire page has no trace of the status message on it, although it is certainly possible (and admittedly probably) that as a hacker, she has taken her Gate information out of GateWire databases somehow. Don’t ask me, I’m not an expert in that area.

What do you think? Hacker turned serial killer? Or are the two separate identities?

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Petra Maddox stared at the screen for a few long moments. Sometimes it was difficult to remain objective, even for her. Really? A mystery crops up with a serial killer and they start blaming a hacker? True, anything could be possible, but that wouldn’t be where she’d look first. Plus, she was one who knew for sure that the accusation was absolutely false. All the same, this had ruined a lot of things. Obviously, she couldn’t use her usual alias any more, she could get pulled into this case and everything would be majorly complicated, even more so than it all already was.

Good thing her back-up had a different proxy connected already. Now, what she could do was just damage control. Really, virtuality and reality were completely different planes. The hacker controls the alias, but it was a tenuous relationship. An alias is manipulated by different factors. Even when abandoned, they still have a bit of life of their own. And now, it was up to her- well, no, as just stated- it was going to be Code:Illusionist's job to clean up Jane Doe’s mess.

Idiot Jane Doe.

Objectivity. Apathy.

Remember. Focus.

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