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Even though after a week and a half of being sick I still go to the studio. I wake up early and get ready, everywhere I go I take a toothbrush and gum. It fucking sucks but I have to deal.

We sat in the studio, laughing about a lot of things. None of us spent a lot of time together on Warped Tour, so we had a lot of stores to share. Mine were mostly with Remington, or Damon and Kyle.

"So Ryan, have you talked to Remington since we got home?" Eden asked, tapping his drum sticks against his legs.

I took a sip of my water, "only once."

"Oh well, I hope you guys talk more. Maybe we can all hang out for once," he smiled and I nodded.

Neither of them know about the kiss, which I've been thinking about it. Did he actually mean what he said, or was he trying to get under my skin like usual? I don't know, but I don't think I'll find out soon.

"I'll be right back," I got up, going to the bathroom. I stood in the mirror, taking a breath and started to damp a rag. Patting it on my face, I was starting to burn up again.

My phone started buzzing, I grabbed it, "hello?" I answered.

"Hey babe, I'll be home late," it was Hayden once again going back to his old habits.

"Whatever," I hung up. Looking through my unanswered text messages, I had one from Remington. It read 'hey Ry are you still sick?'  I just said yes and sat on the floor as my stomach started to twist again.

Tears formed into my eyes as I held my stomach, I tried to caught my breath. When my phone started to ring a hand moved around on the ground, trying to find it.

I grabbed it, answered it and put it up to my ear. My bottom lip quivering and my voice was shaky, "hello?"

"Oh my god, Ry what's wrong," Remington was the one calling me. He seemed so concerned and was frantically moving.

Sucking in a breath, "M-my stomach is tw-twisting, and I-i can't throw up."

"Hon-Ryan, calm down. Deep breaths as best as you can, give me one second," his voice was very soothing.

The bathroom door opened, and there he stood, Rem rushed over to me. We hung up the phones. He gave me his jacket, "put this on your stomach."

Which I did, his arms went behind my back and under my knee. Remington lifted up my body, grabbing our phone too. "Don't worry I'm taking you home," he carried all the way outside, to what seemed to be his car. He buckled me up and race to the drivers side.

As we approach my house, which I'm guessing Ju or Eden told him where we lived, my stomach hurt worst. He made sure you carry me inside, "which room is yours?"

I told him it was the one upstairs on the end of the hallway.

He laid my down in my bed, exchanging his jacket for a pillow. He gave me the medicine I forgot to take.

"Thank you so much, Rem," I whispered to him.

He smiled sweetly, "no problem." Rem pulled up a chair, as we talked, "how are you and Hayden, everything okay?"

I rolled my eyes at his name, "we're fine, just not great."

"Did something happen?"

I shrugged, "I'm not sure, we were okay when I got home. Now," taking a deep breath, "I don't know."

"Just get some rest, we can talk about it when you wake up," he pushed some hair out of my face.

When he started to get up, "wait, um this is a lot to ask for but you could you possibly lay behind me? And well hold the pillow too? Hayden does this, but he won't be here tonight, and it always helps."

"It's not too much to ask for, it's fine," he sat down taking off him boots and laid behind me. His arms wrapped around and held the pillow too. Our hands slightly touching, "get some sleep."

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