Chapter 11

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"Here we are," Patrick smiles. We just landed in New York, and it's honestly beautiful. I've never been! It's a dream. Big buildings everywhere. I smile to myself as we get out, get our luggage, go to the cab. We're taken to a hotel, where we set our bags. Trick, exhausted (as he didn't really sleep on the plane), plops down on the bed and starts to doze. I smile to myself as I lay beside him, stretching. I check my wallet, making sure my ticket and meet and greet are still in there.

I go to the mosh pit, waiting for the concert to start. I'm so proud of Patrick, seeing all these fans here, like me. They hold up signs, they all read such positive things. However, some ways down from me, one sign stands out in particular. It reads, "I liked you better fat." I cringe. That's probably one of the meanest things you could say! The man holding it is intimidating. Black hair, dark eyes, olive skin. Something about him seems all too familiar. We make eye contact and I quickly look down. I look up at the stage, waiting until finally the concert starts. He performs amazingly, and a few tears are jerked during "The I In Lie." In "Explode," the crowd goes crazy, and I'm thrown over by the scary guy with the rude sign. "That's a rude sign," I mumble, hoping he won't hear me as I sidle away. After the concert, I wait for the crowd to calm down before heading to Meet and Greets to check in with you. However, before I'm able to go, I feel a blindfold over my eyes, tied tight, a gag in my mouth. My arms are held back, then tied. I'm tugged down by my shoulders before I'm pulled away, and thrown into a car trunk. I hear it shut, and I start to cry. I can't check in with you- I can't tell you how great you did- I may never see you again, I may get hurt- the baby may get hurt- I could die!! I start to hyperventilate, and I pass out.

When I awaken, I'm sitting upright, cold, feeling lack of clothing. I scream again, and all I hear is laughter. I hear a door open, footsteps walking down a hall. I immediately start screaming louder than ever before, praying to God that someone will hear me. Eventually, there's a knock on the door. I hear the door open, the people greeting. Soon I hear slamming, hear someone grunt. I hear footsteps running toward me, fast. I start to whimper softly, hoping this person was here to save me. The blindfold is quickly torn off, a man with electric blue hair and brown eyes flashes me a reassuring smile before whispering, "Hey, relax. It'll all be good," he unties me, takes the gag out, and throws a sheet at me. I quickly wrap it around me, looking around the room. It's a hotel room.

"Wh-who are you?" I ask my new savior.

"M'name's Josh," he says quickly, quiet, searching through drawers. He finds a gun, a knife, and some illegal drugs. He puts the stuff all in separate bags, then pockets them. "Cmon, let's leave." He grabs me by the arm, running me down the hall. I see the scary guy from earlier, now knocked out on the floor.

"Is he-"

"He'll be fine," he quickly says, rushing me out. "Where do you need to be?"

"What time is it?" I ask.

"3." He states. "Why?"

"I need to get to my hotel..." I whisper. This one wasn't it, I look out the window and see the one we're staying in, across the street. "That one," I say.

"Alright, do you need me to walk with you?" he asks, accompanying me to the elevator. I nod, a lump forming in my throat. What did the scary guy do to me..? Josh just nods, staying with me the whole way until we cross the street, enter the other hotel, and go to the room me and Patrick are staying in. "Thank you," I say, looking over at him. I hold out my hand. "I'm Dallon, by the way."

"If you ever need me, here's my card," Josh says, handing me a business card. He's a detective in training?

I jump when I hear the door open. I turn and see Patrick. He sighs in relief. "Thank you so much, Josh." He says, wrapping his arms around me. I hug him tight, closing my eyes.

"It's no problem, sorry about that. Have a good night." He turns down the hall as we slip back into our room, shutting the door.

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