Chapter 14

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It's a boy!  

A few months after Patrick's tour ended, we went home. Being engaged works wonders. We moved in together, no longer going back and forth from my apartment to his house. It was a huge step. We had never stayed more than 24 hours together, besides when we were in a hotel room. The first thing I remember from our first day back from tour is hearing Patrick's normal alarm going off at 6:30. I grumble a bit in complaint, rolling onto my side and pulling the comforter over my face, as if it'll be able to drown out the sound of the alarm. 

"Up, Blue Eyes," Trick says after a moment, helping me sit up. 

"Why?" I whine, looking up at him with tired eyes. I pouted my lips as I ruffled his blonde hair. His dark orange roots were starting to come in. They brought out the yellow-orange tint in the blue pigment of his eyes. "What's going on today..?"

Patrick clicked his tongue. "Ultrasound, then lunch with Josh and Tyler." I nod, and slowly but surely, Trick has me up and ready for the day. "Gotta brush your hair and teeth," he tells me. "Contacts or glasses?" 

"Glasses," I say, heading into the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth and such. Meanwhile, Trick appeared to be putting together breakfast. Nothing like Golden Grahams and vanilla almond milk to start off your day. I stumble out blindly into the kitchen, smiling. "I can't find my glasses," I tell Trick, sitting at the table and starting to eat my bowl of cereal. 

Trick laughed a bit. "That's because I have them." He put my glasses on my face, then sat across from me, eating his cereal too. "I cleaned them for you. Your glasses are always dirty." 

After we ate, we left for the hospital. I was excited, and I couldn't stop tapping my thighs as we waited in the waiting room. "Trick, we find out gender today," I tell him. 

"Yeah," he responds, smiling. "We do." Not after long, I was called in. Together, me and Trick were led into a room by a nurse, and I was told to lay. I did as told, not wanting to cause problems. It wasn't too long before the doctor entered, helping set up the ultrasound. It wasn't long before I saw a baby up on the screen. 

"Would you like to know the gender?" the nurse asked. She was exotic looking, dark curly hair complimenting her caramel skin. Her brown eyes were full of happiness, and her name tag read 'Elisa'. 

"Yes," Patrick and I both say at the same time. Elisa nodded, smiling widely. 

"Well, you two lucky sons-of-guns are having a little boy!" 

Mac. I think to myself. That was the only name I've ever wanted for a little boy. The name Mac, Macgreggory, to me, is one of the cutest names. Mac, Macaroon, Macaroni. Everything sounds great with 'Mac'. A great makeup brand, a great thing overall. Mac. Mac will be our son's name. It has to be Mac. I just hope Patrick agrees with me. 

"Oh, thank you, ma'am!" Patrick shook her hand as another nurse got me cleaned up. 

"It's nothing. Your pictures are printing." I was just excited to show off pictures, to talk about names... to marry Patrick. Oh, my life was finally coming together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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