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A/N:Hope y'all enjoy this Ruki&Yui story!

"Ruki POV"
I'm sitting on my bed right now.This is the day.That we will take the girl that has the blood of Eve.Ill become Adam for him.I cannot fail this.I called my brothers and said,"It's time.Lets go."

"Yui POV"
I'm at the Sakamaki mansion.I fell asleep on my bed and had a weird dream about Eve?And the triplets are infront of me wanting to drink my blood.But that didn't happen cause Rejji came in.And now we're all in the car.Then all of a sudden are car got on fire but Ayato saved me.I see 4 people on the cliff and one of them said to me,"Eve."

"Ruki POV"
So this is the woman that we have been looking for?She seems dull.I can't beleive the woman we're looking for is someone like that.

"Yui POV"
Then they disappeared.I feel like something bad is gonna happen.

"Mukami brothers Chat POV"

Kou:Ruki!Was that rly okay to burn the car on fire!What if we accidentally killed are target m-Neko Chan?!

Azusa:I think that's fine to burn the car on fire. :)

Yuma:Yah Ruki!I don't think that was a good idea!

Azusa:I thought it was. :)

Ruki:Everyone be quite.It might've been unecessary to do that.But it was all planned.Of course one of those Sakamaki brothers was gonna save her because they wouldn't want to lose her blood.And that's exactly what we'll be doing.We're gonna steal the women that possessive the blood of Eve.

"Yui POV"
Right now I'm outside the Sakamaki mansion looking at the roses.Wait?This is a great opportunity to escape!I ran but their was someone infront of me.He said,"Found u m-Neko chan." You got to be kidding me!Just right I was about to escape!I said,"I don't appreciate you calling m-Neko chan whoever you are.But can you move?I need to escape?" I ran but then their was someone infront of me again.I ran the other way and their was another guy infront of me.Who are these people!I ran and I see...wait.Isnt that the guy who said Eve to me?I stood still.Hes gorgeous.Wait what am I thinking!?

"Ruki POV"
I looked at the girl.Shes just staring at me.I said,"Eve.Why are you staring at me like that?Creepy."

"Yui POV"
I looked him.I said,"Hey!Im not creepy!You all are the creepy ones that are around me!Now exuse me.I must go." I ran.

"Ruki POV"
I guess she's not dull.I followed her.I chased her and grabbe shed wrist.I held her chin.I said,"So this is the woman we have been searching for?I can't beleive this woman can be the one we have been looking for.And you turned out to be a mediocre woman such as yourself.But this has to be done for our cause." I bite her on the neck.

"Yui POV"
I feel lightheaded.I said,"W-why...?P-please don't do this.Im begging you."

"Ruki POV"
I whispered in her ear and said,"I won't kill you.Not until I become Adam."

"Yui POV"
I said,"Why do you call me Eve?Please tell me."

"Ruki POV"
I said,"And that is none of your concerns to know.Its our cause not yours."

"Yui POV"
I said,"It is my concerns!I know I'm being annoying and noisy but still!I have the right to fight back!If it's none of my buisness,then why are you drinking my blood then?"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"You don't have the right to fight back.Just like you don't have the right to escape while I drink your blood.Your blood belongs to me and mine only."

"Yui POv"
I said,"I'm sorry it wasn't your expectations.But my blood belongs to no one!Its my blood after all!"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"I can't beleive Eve is so annoying.You just don't stop do you?Fine then.Ill keep drinking your blood until your blood stops flowing how is that?"

Kou:Ruki!That wasn't the plan!

Azusa:Ruki stop....

Yuma:This woman is messing with you!

"Ruki POV"
I stopped.I said,"Fine." We all kidnapped her.And now we're in are mansion.

"Yui POV"
I can't beleive I'm with another group of 4 vampires.At least it's better then 6 vampires.I said,"You can't all just kidnap me like that.Now someone tell me.Why am I really here?!If it's because of only my blood.Your wrong!You guys are drinking my blood for a reason right!Am I wrong?"

Yuma:Does anyone have some duck tape to tape her mouth?Im really getting a headache!

Kou:I think she's cute. ;)

Azusa:I have duck tape..... :)

"Ruki POV"
I swear.My brothers aren't taking this seriously.What do they even see in her?This woman is totally brainwashing them or something.I can't help but get annoyed.I said,"I'm leaving."

"Yui POV"
I said,"Wear are you going?And if you say it's none of my concerns,I really won't appreciate it."

"Ruki POV"
I whisperd,"Annoying."

"Yui POV"
I whispered,"Strick."

"Ruki POV"
I whispered,"Dull."

"Yui POV"
I whispered,"Bookworm."

"Ruki POV"
I said,"I'm done with this woman!Take her away from me.I need my time to think."

"Yui POV"
I said,"You vampires are exactly the same as the Sakamaki brothers."

"Ruki POV"
I glared at her and said,"I don't appreciate that your comparing us with those Sakamaki brothers.At least we have manners."

"Yui POV"
I said,"No you don't.Cause you still treat me like I'm a blood bag to you guys.Im guessing this is my new home right?You all will be drinking my blood."

"The Mukami brothers got annoyed"

"Ruki POV"
I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to a room.I said,"This is how you should be treated!" I locked he run a room.


Yuma:We were all annoyed!But on the first day you locked her in a room!

Kou:Open the door right now!

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Fine." I opened the door and wasn't their.I see I accidentally put her in a room that their was another door.

"Yui POV"
This is my chance to escape!I should remember wear the exit is!Oh their it is!I see Ruki infront of me.I said,"P-please.Let me go."

"Ruki POV"
I said,"that I can't do." I pinned her on the wall.I said,"Are you ready?" I opened my fangs.

Yui:S-someone help me!

(To be continued....)

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