~Going For A Walk~

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"Ruki POV"
I said,"that I can't do." I pinned her on the wall.I said,"Are you ready?" I opened my fangs.

Yui:S-someone help me!

"Yui POV"
Wait?How come I'm asking for help?I can do this on my own!I pushed him.

"Ruki POv"
I said,"You know it will hurt more if you pull away?"

"Yui POv"
I said,"You don't think I know that?Ive been living with these Sakamaki brothers for a long time.So I proboly already know that it hurts if I pull away.But what choice do I have?I can't just let you drink my blood.Ill eventually die from blood loss?Am I not right?" I smirked.I ran away.He grabbed my wrist.I looked at him.

"Ruki POV"
I said,"You do make a point.But apparently I cannot allow you to escape.This is for our cause.We need to do this job for him.Whatever it takes.So we need your blood to succeed that.Are you up for the task?"

"Yui POV"
I said,"No!Cause I didn't agree to do whatever your plan is!And you aren't telling me anything about this plan!So I don't get it!"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Well you don't need to know because all we need is your blood.Dont expect me that I'll ask for your blood.Cause I need your blood for this plan.Now stay still.

"Yui POV"
I said,"What do you mean stay still!Im not just gonna let you drink my blood like that!You guys aren't giving me anything to help you in this plan!Im leaving!Goodbye!" I ran away.

"Ruki POV"
What an annoying woman.She doesn't want to corporate with me.I ran to find her.

"Yui POV"
Yes!Im almost at the exit!Ruki was infront of me.I said,"Can I ask you something?You were wayyyy over their?So how did u get here so fast?" He looked at me.I pushed him and tried to open the door.I said,"You got to be kidding me!Its locked!"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Did you really think that we weren't gonna lock the doors?You foolish mortal you are."

"Yui POV"
What do I do?!Oh I know!Run!!!! I run but he grabbed me again.

"Ruki POV"
How much can this women run?How much sugar has she eaten?Shes like a tiny ant that want to run all time.I said,"If you try to escape your dead."

"Yui POV"
I said,"I'm not stupid.You won't do that.If you kill me then your plan will be ruined.Face it.I win either way.And you can't accept that huh?" I walked away.I said,"Ruki?Wears my room?"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Your sleeping with me."

"Yui POV"
I said,"Huh?Huh!!!No way!I can't sleep with a guy!What kind of person does that make me if I sleep with a guy!"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Stop yelling.We don't have another room.None of the brothers wanted to sleep with you.Well Kou wanted too.But I'm afraid that he'll make a move on you.So I volunteered.Your welcome."

"Yui POv"
I said,"I don't need your welcome from you!Ill sleep on the couch instead!"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"And that I cannot allow.Your gonna escape if I left you on your own?Now hurry up and come." I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the room.I said,"Okay now change into your pj"

"Yui POV"
I said,"I'm not gonna change infront of you!Im going to the washroom to change!" I walked to the washroom and changed.By the time I finished and walked out the door.I see Ruki shirtless.I said,"AHH!!Put some clothes on!!!What kind of guy undresses infront of a girl!!Like honestly!Have a little modesty!"

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