~First Date~

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A/N:Hope y'all enjoy this video up their!You can use it for background music while your reading this story!

"Ruki POV"
I said,"And look what you did to my pillow.You hugged it so hard that it look like this!What do you have to say for yourself?Now come on.We have school." I grabbed her hand and dragged her to school.

"Yui POv"
I said,"You don't have to hold my hand you know?We will look like a couple of you do that."

"Ruki POV"
I said,"I don't care.I need you by my side at all cost.Your gonna escape." I kept dragging her to school.

"Yui POV"
I said,"Okay then.Suit yourself."

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Actually.Nevermind.Me and you are going on a date."

"Yui POV"
I said,"Hm?How come?"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Because I need to get to know Eve.Now hurry up."

"Yui POV"
I said,"Well okay then.I need a break from school anyways."

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Wear do you wanna go?"

"Yui POv"
I said,"Let's go to a a picnic!"

"Ruki POV"
"I want the library."

"Yui POV"

"Ruki POV"

"Yui POv"

"Ruki&Yui PoV"
"Fine then!A restaurant."

"They both got embarrassed that they said it at the same time."

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Stop messing around.Lets just go."

"Yui POV"
I said,"What do you mean I'm messing around!?We both said it at the same time!"

"Ruki POV"
I completely ignored her and dragged her to the restaurant.Me and her were both eating.

"Yui PoV"
I said,"So Ruki kun.I have a questions.How was your childhood like?"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"That is none of your buisness.Its personal things."

"Yui POV"
I said,"Your completly right,that it is personal.But I can predict.Your childhood was really tough was it?When you were young.Their was strangers around you about to burn you on fire.How I know that?Is because yesterday.When their was a lot of guys around us.You looked really scared a frightened.Its sad.So am I right or not?"

"Ruki PoV"
I stayed silent.When I was young.I was always alone.No friends.And when those strangers around me burnt me on fire when I was young.I thought I was dead for sure.How come.Someone like her can predict what I have been handling.I see Eve talking with another guy.

"Yui POV"
I said,"Hi Ruki.This is my old friend."

"Ruki POV"
I said,"I'm done.Stay out of my sight!Im disgusted that Eve is with another guy!" I ran off.

"Yui POV"
I see that it's raining and theirs lightning.I ran to hide somewear.Wear do I go!?I can't remember wear the mansion is!

"Ruki POV"
I see that's it's raining and theirs lightning.Wait.Im such an idiot.My main target was suppose to stay by my side!I just let her escape!Uhh!I ran to find her.I see a church.She could be here.I walked inside.I said,"Hello?Anybody here?"

"Yui POV"
I hear someone.I just hid under a table.Im scared of lightning.I heared it again.I said,"Ah!" I see Ruki infront of me.He sat beside me and put my head on his shoulder.I see that he's soaking wet.

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Eve?Did you always handle this on your own.I can predict.When you were young.You had to handle this lightning on your own."

"Yui POV"
I looked at him.Is this vampire actually comforting me?I said,"Yes.When theirs lighting.I always handled this on my own.I was always alone."

"Ruki POV"
I said,"I guess I could say the same too.I handled this and all sorts of stuff when I was young.Me and you are alike." I looked at her.I see she's frightened of the Lightning.I said,"Don't be scared.You can rely on others now." I said,"Listen carefully.Im only gonna say this once.I don't usually say this.But.Im sorry.Sorry for embarrassing you infront of your friend.I never had a friend when I was young.I was always alone.Thats why.When I saw you with another guy.I got disgusted.Even though when I become Adam.Im afraid I have to say this.Because you might be my closest friend I ever had." Their was a world.A world that was only me and my brothers.But for the first time.Someone else had come to our world.

"Yui POV"
I said,"I forgive you....Ruki kun." I closed my eyes while I was laying on his shoulder.

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Sorry.Im so sorry." Rain drops were dripping down my face.What is this feeling?

"Yui POV"
The next day.I was in a room sleeping.I woke up.

"Ruki POV"
What is this feeling?I should proboly tell her.Wait.Oh no.I looked out the window.And I see...Ayato.I ran to Yui room and she's not their.I looked back at the window and i see that Ayato has already took her.I watched her leave with him.I was too late...

<to be continued...>

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