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"Ruki POV"
I glanced at her.I said,"Since your gonna take care of me.I want you to be my personal Eve for the day."

"Yui POV"
I said,"Huh?What do you mean by *personal*?"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"I'm going to the washroom to wash my hands.Your coming with me.Your my personal Eve for the day.So try to make me feel better." I see that she followed me to the washroom.

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Actually.Remember the time you made me breakfast?I said I'll drink your blood tonight instead.You owe me a sip of your blood.However,this is also the sake for my goal.Im very unwilling.But it can't be helped." I pinned her on the ground and bite her on the neck.

Yui:Ah!G-get off me...

Ruki:dont move.

"Yui POV"
What's this?Why can't I escape?Is it because my neck is being squeezed?I can barely move cause he keeps drinking my blood.

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Indeed.This is the blood of Eve." I smirked.I said,"This isn't bad."

"Yui POV"
I looked at him.I said,"This is bad!....my limbs,they become numb..." He's still drinking my blood ignoring me.I said,"R-Ruki...."

"Ruki POV"
I said,"that voice.I like it when you don't yell and your quite." I kept drinking her blood.I said,"Well,I'm finish." I stood up and said,"Hey.Listen carefully.No matter what you think you are that someone.Since your Eve.I will continue to request your blood." I said,"Okay.I want you to get out."

"Yui POV"
I want to get out.But my body is to weak to move cause he drinked so much.

"Ruki POV"
I still see that she's just standing their.I said,"Did you not here me?I said get out."

"Yui POV"
I said,"Hey!I want to move!But the amount of blood you drinked from my body it numb!Im so weak right now thanks to you.So stop saying get out because I can't.I got to at least rest for awhile for me to be able to move."

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Your a livestock that who required a lot of time and effort.But it can't be helped.Im leaving you hear." I walked away.

"Yui POV"
I said,"Hey!Thats not very nice!Come back hear you jerk!You can't just leave your prey in the washroom!" He just left.Uhhh!Later on.I managed to get out of the washroom on the amount of rest I had in their.And now I'm at the hallways.I can walk but I walk so slowly.Im so weak.This is humiliating for me and my reputation!Wait?Do I have a reputation?Okay I'm not making any sense.I see that Kou is infront of me.I said,"Kou?"

Kou:Oh hi yo!M-Neko chan!I see that Ruki kun bitten you very hard.No wonder your on the ground.Do you mind if I have a sample of your blood?

"Ruki POV"
I said,"What's the meaning of this?Ill take it from hear.Kou,return to your bedroom."

Kou:Hai!See yah later!M-Neko chan! *left*

"Ruki POV"
I carried her bridal style and said,"Let's go.We're going to sleep." I dragged her to the bedroom.

"Yui POV"
I said,"Ahh!" He just throwed me on the bed like I was nothing.Thats not very nice.I said,"Can't I just sleep on the couch?I won't escape.You locked the doors didn't you?"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"That I cannot allow.If your beside me.It must be easier to monitor you this way.You will always be in my view.Its your duty as a livestock you know?im not gonna shut you in a cage or put a collor on you.Now sleep.Look.We're not like those Sakamaki brothers.Because you are necessary to me.

"Yui POV"
I said,"You are like them.Face it.You both are vampires.You both need my blood.You need my blood for your plan.Im pissing you off am I?My guess is that your gonna drink my blood after I'm done talking,cause your getting annoyed.See what I mean.You can't face the fact that I'm right."

"Ruki POV"
I said,"You are correct about your blood.Your in my house,my hands,which is good.Until I become Adam.I will not hand you to any other guy.You are only my Eve."

"Yui POV"
I said,"You know what.Im not gonna bother to fight with you right now.You can't accept the fact that I'm right.I don't belong to anyone,it's my blood!Your also proboly getting annoyed cause I'm not taking this plan seriously.The reason why is because I don't care.Now I'm going to sleep.Night."

"Ruki POV"
This women annoys me.But she's really strong to fight back to a vampire.Shes not afraid.I like that about her.I just don't like the fact that she annoys me.I finally fell asleep.

"Yui POV"
Uhhh!Why can't I sleep!I can't help that he's sleeping beside me!Its embarrassing for me!Hes just sleeping like its normal for him!How does he do that!Does he not mind a girl sleeping beside him!How should I sleep?I should think of sheep jumping.I just realize that Ruki is hugging me while he's sleeping.I said,"Ahhhhh!!!!Ruki!Get off me!!"

"Ruki POV"
I woke up.I said,"Geez.You better have a good reason to wake me up while I'm sleeping."

"Yui POV"
I said,"You were hugging me while you were sleeping!"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Is that a problem?At least I know your beside me at all cost."

"Yui POV"
I said,"Yah!It is a problem!I like it when girls hug me!Not boys!"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"Well your gonna have to deal with it.Now be quite.Im trying to sleep." I fell asleep.

"Yui POv"
I see that Ruki fell asleep.Hes hugging me again!Uhhh!Five minutes later I finally fell asleep.I woke up.I see Ruki infront of me.I said,"We're you staring at me the whole time!?"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"I got to keep an eye on you.It will be rude to wake you up.Just a moment ago,you were hugging that pillow so happily.What kind of dream dos you had livestock?"

"Yui POV"
I'm so embarrassed!I said,"Why didn't you wake me up!I don't mind if you wake me up!What a useless alarm clock!"

"Ruki POV"
I said,"And look what you did to my pillow.You hugged it so hard that it look like this!What do you have to say for yourself?Now come on.We have school." I grabbed her hand and dragged her to school.

(To be continued...)

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