~What hurts the most~

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"Ruki POV"
What is this feeling?I should proboly tell her.Wait.Oh no.I looked out the window.And I see...Ayato.I ran to Yui room and she's not their.I looked back at the window and i see that Ayato has already took her.I watched her leave with him.I was too late...

"Ruki POV"
I guess I just have to bring her back.All of a sudden there was wolves around us.Tsk.

"Yui POV"
I am back at the Sakamaki mansion.Everyone stared at me.They all are craving for my blood.I said,"I-I'll be in my room!" I ran to my room.I do not want my blood to be sucked by those sadistic vampires!I sat on my bed.Why am I thinking about Ruki?

Someone: Eve...

I stared at the person.Why is he here?

Me: Azusa kun.

Azusa: Ruki kun is hurt....

Me: Really what's wrong?

I walked up to him.Someone was behind Azusa.

Kanato: Why are you going with Azusa!Your my toy aren't you!!?

Azusa&Kanato: *arguing*

All of a sudden,Kou,Yuma,Ayato,Subaru came in the room.

Ayato: Oi!What's happening!!?

Subaru: You all are so noisy!Why are you mukami brothers here!?

Kou:Hey Subaru kun.Miss me.

Subaru: No I don't!How did you guys even get in here?

Yuma: None of you locked the doors.

Yuma: Anyways!We'll be taking her.

Ayato: Oh no you don't!She's mine!

I saw that Kou walked towards them and one of his eyes were red.

Kou: We'll be taking her.

While they were distracted.Azusa&Yuma took me.We ran to the mukami mansion.

I was in the mansion.

Me: What's the meaning of this!Tell me!What's wrong with Ruki!Why do you all look so sad?

Azusa: It's all my fault....

Azusa told me the whole story.I was shocked that he would sacrifice himself to save Azusa.

Me: I guess I have to take care of him.

Yuma: Wait.Why do you care?

Me: Well when someone's hurt you got to take care of them right?Like how you all took care of each other.

For some reason they told me about the Apple of Adam plan.

I walked away.I decided to make tea for Ruki.I walked in the room.I stared at him.He's sleeping.I see that there scars on his chest.I see that he's waking up.

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