Stay with me...

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A/n: You could use this as background music if you'd like!

I looked behind me and I see my brothers.....

"Ruki POV"
I freeze.I stared at them not knowing what to say.I looked down at the ground.

Azusa: Ruki...Are you okay?

Yuma: We heard the whole conversation.We did know you were struggling.

Azusa: We all understa-

Kou: Uhhhh!We have been doing this for nothing!!?Are you serious!

Yuma: Kou chill.

Kou: We all had bad childhoods!!And we had another chance to live,so that's how we became vampires!We need to become Adam whatever it takes!

Kou: Now your saying we did all this for nothing!You got to be kidding me!

Yuma: Kou stop it!

Yuma&Kou&Azusa: *arguing*

Me: Stop it!!!!All of you!You guys always say I always put you all first!I even sacrificed my self to save Azusa!Thats how much I all cared about you!And this is the respect I get!!

I ran away.I ran back to the mansion.I ran to Yui room.She stared at me.

Me: Your sleeping in my room!

Yui: Huh?Why?

Me: Don't disobey me and just do it!

Yui: Woah woah!You can't force me!Why are you in an angry mood!

Me: None of your concerns!Lets go!

Yui: Why are you angry!Tell me this instant!

Man she's annoying me.I carried her bridal style.I dragged her to the room.

Me: Now sleep!

Yui: Fine.

I fell asleep beside her.I was having a nightmare about me and my brothers escaping the orphanage.But they manage to caught us.Now I have these scars behind my back.

"Yui POV"
I was sleeping so peacefully.But I woke up because I hear Ruki yelling in his sleep.I stared at him.I tried to wake him up.

Me: Ruki!Get a hold of yourself!Wake up!

He held my hand really tightly.

Ruki: Stop!

Is he talking in his sleep?He's holding my hand really tightly.I tried waking him up again.He finally woke up.

Ruki: Where am I?

Me: Your in your room.Remember you told me to sleep with you?

Ruki: Oh I see.

Me: What kind of nightmare did you had?

Ruki: That is none of your business.

Me: Are you okay?Can't you see I'm worried about you?

Ruki&Yui (Stay With Me...)Where stories live. Discover now