Chapter 4

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Katniss POV

Seven and half years later

its been years since I remember the first time I saw Willow. After giving birth to her I said thanks to Annie and Finnick for welcoming me on their humble home. I told them that I need to go back to district twelve because that is my home.

They agreed, and when I came back to my home district, Haymitch has open arms for me. Even if im away for months I always received calls from Haymitch just to check up on me. He's been like a father to me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a kiss on my cheek

"hi mommy, are you thinking of something? what would it be? is it for my birthday? you know that my birthday is next week right?" Isabel exclaimed

I call her Isabel but the others call her Willow.

"Woah there tiger, yes i've been thinking and.... it's a lot of ideas in my brain for my birthday." i joked

"mommy not your birthday but my birthday." she answered while.giggling

"it's your birthday not mine!?" i asked her

"yes mommy.. why would you forget?" she asked while pouting

she's so cute when she's pouting. I thought

"aww stop pouting tiger, you know that mommy will never forget your birthday, im just joking." i told her and instantly she stopped pouting and asked me if we can go to her favourite cafe. The Evergreen Cafe.























We went to the cafe and we bought cupcakes with butterflies for her, A loaf bread for Haymitch, and we could not forget my favourite.... cheese buns, they have really tasty pastries. I am really interested in meeting the owner and ask him or her in doing the cake for Isabel's birthday next week.

I told Isabel to find a table and wait for me. Im just going to talk to one of the employees about the cake for her birthday.

"Excuse me." i called to the girl who is in the counter

"yes, what can I do for you maam?" she responded

"yeah. uhm do you think the owner of this cafe can do my daughter's birthday cake or is it just impossible." i asked her

"well the owner can do it but he's all the way from district two. you know that I can call him and ask him if he can meet you face to face and you can ask about the cake. He's a great artist." she recommended

"that's great. I'll just give you my phone number and you can call me if you have contacted him. thank you so much. By the way call me Katniss." i said to her

I think she didn't expect that she is talking to the one and only Katniss Everdeen but she regain herself again and said

"Oh okay Katniss. You can call me Jen. I'll just call you if he agreed."

I gave Jen my phone number in the victors village, i said goodbye and me and Isabel walk until we.reach our house. Isabel volunteered in giving the loaf bread to Haymitch then came back. quickly so she can eat her cupcake.

Peeta POV

ring ring. I hear the familiar ring of the phone which indicates that someone needs me. First I thought it was  Gale but im wrong it was one of the employees at the district twelve branch.

"Good Evening sir. This is Jen from the district twelve branch and I was wondering if you can go here at twelve because someone is looking for you and she wants you to make her daughters cake. Is that okay sir?" Jen asked

"Yeah sure. You know your in the right timing because Im planning on going back to twelve this year and stay there. Well just say to the lady who needs me that I can meet her on Monday next week at the cafe. I'll be arriving there on Saturday noon." i answered

"thank you so much sir. Can't wait to meet you. bye and have a nice day." she exclaimed

She is the first one to hang up then I called Gale and tell him that Im going back to district twelve on Saturday.

Its thursday today and Im planning on going back there today because the trip is going to be two days and if my calculations are right i'll be arriving there on Saturday noon.

I go back to the apartment and pack my things. I called the manager at the cafe here in district two and tell him that I won't be back here until they need me.

After I pack up my stuff I immediately went to the train station bought the ticket and left district two.

A/N hey guys. I forgot to tell you what Isabel looks like. Well she has brown hair like katniss, she has peeta's blue eyes and peeta's smile,his kindness and katniss' stubborness

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