Chapter 7

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3 days later (Dec. 11)

Katniss POV

It's finally Isabel's birthday and im planning on waking up early and suprise her with a breakfast in bed. I've been doing it forher since I can remember.

So now here I am at the kitchen doing her favorite pancake and maple syrup with whip cream on top.

After finishing it I peeked to her room and quietly tip toed. I woke her up then I screamed

"Happy Birthday Isabel!"

She woke up then said thank you. I told her that Gramps will be here to watch after her because Im going somewhere. She asked me why can't she go, I said to her that its a suprise.

Its almost 7:00 I grab my fathers jacket than I went to the cafe. When I arrived I opened the door then the cafe's bell rang then I saw Peeta's head peeking out the back room or the kitchen of the cafe.

"Hi. Im here for the cake?"i told him

"Yeah. Here it is!" he said while opening the box. I was suprise. It was so beautiful. The designs were so detailed. It was so extravagant.

"Oh my Gosh Peeta, thank you so much. She would love this." i said

"Thank you. Well I better get ready for the party. Lets go." he said

"uhh.. yeah sure. " I said

He walked to the village then he goes to his house to get ready

"See you there Peeta!" i exclaim

He turned around and gave me a thumbs up.

When I got back to my house I saw Haymitch and Willow across the floor drawing something. I have never seen her interested in art but I think its because of me.

"Hey guys!" i exclaim

"Mommy!"she said

"At last you came. This little kid doesn't want me to go anywhere unless your here. Well I better get ready now." he exclaim

"Okay, be here in 9 because the party starts at that time." i told him

I feel theres something tugging my shirt but when I look down it was only Willow.

I crouch down to her size and ask her what's the matter

"Is aunt Annie, dada and finn are going here?"

On the right there was a knock on the door. She quickly opened then she squealed her awaited guests has arrive.

"Hey guys!" i said

"Hey Kat. How are you?" Annie asked

"Im fine. Well there happy?" i asked her because Finnick is giving Willow a piggyback ride

I heard a knock on the door. I excuse myself from Annie and went to open the door.

It was Haymitch and Peeta. There just on time.

"Hey, come in. The Odair's are here." i told them.

Finnick and Annie looked shocked when they saw Peeta.

Finnick spoke spoke first

"Hey, Peeta long time no see"

"Yeah Peeta. How are you? Annie asked

Peeta POV

"Im fine Annie. Thank you for asking." i answered

I was curious about who was Willow's father. I really want to meet him.

"Hey guys come on the party is about to start." Finnick yelled

We went to the dining table and found Willow dressed in a beautiful orange dress almost like a sunset.

Willow was really happy with her birthday. She thanked me for the cake. She thanked her mom for doing this to her. Also thanking Finnick, Annie, and their son. Lets not forget Haymitch right.

"Present time." Katniss said

Finnick and Annie first gave her, her own bicycle with training wheels at the back.

Haymitch gave her art supplies. I gave her a big doll house. She was really happy with her gifts but Katniss wasn't giving something to her. She said

"Mom where's your present for me?"

"My present for isn't wrapped. Its alive and its your dad. I know that you want to meet him and such so here he is" she answered

"Katniss wait, lets talk for a min." Finnick and Annie said

Katniss POV

"Hey I thought you weren't going to say to him about her." Annie asked

"Yeah I know but I want Peeta to know her. I want us to be a family. Like you guys." i answered

"okay, lets go back. We do not want our birthday girl waiting but you need to talk to Peeta first." Finnick said

I nod then they called Peeta. Then I saw Peeta with a worried expression splattered all over his face

"Hey Katniss is there a problem?" he asked

"Can I talk to you about Willow?" I asked him

"Okay. So what about Willow?" he asked

"Well, you know that her dad will be coming right?" i asked

"Yeah I know about that. What about him?" he asked

"Well he's standing infront of me!"

A/N oh my.... Peeta knows, how would he react? There is one way to find out.

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