Writing And Quotes

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I don't want anyone hurting because of the choices I make.
I want the people I'm around to feel safe when they are with me. I want them to feel like they can tell me anything and everything. I want them to confide in me and tell me secrets that only I can keep.

He means something to me and I don't know why. It's not like we ever kissed or hugged or even held hands. The only intimate thing we ever did ways look into each other's eyes and that's was mostly just me. I liked the way he would look up at me and smile in a nervous way. I liked how he would  just turn around out of the blue and say something to me. I don't know if I'm in love or if I'm slowly falling towards it. This is the first crush I ever had where I feel this deeply about them.

I'm the type of person that remembers lots of things. No matter how small it is ill remember it. Some things I remember: That day at school when my brother and I went to that concert thing and how his friends actually got quiet when the special ed students danced, or like when we were there how I Remember I asked my brothers friend where he was, I Remember.

I wake up and one of my many thoughts is of him why is that? It's not like he talks to me all he does is just looks at me out of the corner of his eye.

I want to be the type of parent who remembers  the struggles of Adolescence so I can help my teenage boy/girl with their problems. Another reason why I need a diary/Journal.

Silence is a killer, it's a deadly tool used by the monsters hidden in my room and a powerful tool used by the ones in my head because that is the time when they all come rushing out screaming and begging for my soul.

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