𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞 𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗

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"Prince" said a voice. I could hear a small echo around the room as my eyes slowly fluttered open. My eyes burning by the shining light coming through my rather to large window. Why is my curtains separated, they should be covering my window.
All I could see was the pink walls of my room brighten and the top of my bed grow lighter in it's color. Curtains drape along the side of the bed, I don't know why but they do. I hardly get any sleep, it didn't bother me my people came and awoken me though, sometimes I wish I could sleep longer.

I'll get more sleep later.

"Prince Gumball..." Muttered a banana guard, I turned and see cinnamon bun and my lovely citizens gathered, not all but quite a lot. It seems like something is terribly wrong, which worried me.

The party is over? I must've spaced out on leaving. Did they catch me!?

"What's the matter? Is everything OK?" I say and jump right up, only to be in the black sweatshirt, which confused me. Marshall must've given it to me or something, and pink boxers.

How embarrassing. I must've been to sleepy to care for my choice of clothing. And to lazy to deny this Sweatshirt.

Although it did smell...nice. Very nice.

"U-Um...Marshall Lee, the vampire king, soon to be, is at your doorstep. We are very worried sir...is he here to eat us all!? Or worse! You?" They all came up to me in a hurried manner. They bombarded me with multiple questions, revolving around Marshall's appearance and why he might be here. I did order in my first law making he wasn't to be allowed here in front of all my people, so they must be confused.
But they shouldn't assume he'd stop for good.

"Huh? He's here?" I asked confused as much as they are. "Alright, no worries," I said. I jumped off of my bed immediately and wobbled towards the stairs which lead to a great big hall and a great big door in the front, further away from me.
I walked closer to the door to see nothing but dust. Should clean this castle more often, they must be slacking a little. But I'm not worried for now, I'll take care of it later.

Clap, clap, clap was heard causing some of my people, mind you their fragile candy people, jump. I looked up to the noise to see a MARSHALL on the ceiling crossing his arms, a huge grin placed on his face.
I grumbled underneath my breath as my eyes glared daggers to his direction, locking onto his gleaming bright eyes.
I despised that grin of his. He slowly floated down, realizing how irritated I was and patted himself on the back. My people were further away so they couldn't hear me nor him, thankfully. I walked up to him, as if scolding him, asking him to leave. He denied my order and smirked at me, walking much closer. I backed up and gulped. "Remember our little," he came closer to my ear, his lips nearly touching the tip of them, "agreement?" He said in a low voice which caused my insides to churn in a highly uncomfortable way. "In my room then, now! And never startle my people again," I whispered. "Oh c'mon, I'm just having fun!" Mumbled Marshall. "Now!" I hissed under my breath, I hate being the big meanie but it's his own fault. His grinning face and his floating body was soon invisible.
I turned around to my people and put my hands up, as if I won a trophy. "He's gone for good, and good it'll stay for today. Now please go back to your homes, please and thank you." All my citizens gathered and cheered and hugged me on their way out, I smiled softly and nodded in response. They are quite afraid of Marshall and often when he even comes closer to the walls of the kingdom they freak out, sometimes a little to much.
But it's my fault this time.

I walked upstairs, mumbling to myself.
When I reached my room Marshall was snooping through some minor projects I had hidden near my closet.
Infuriated I stomped in.
"Hey! Stay away from there you will contaminate them!" I say while pushing him away. Marshall rolled his eyes, "really? Do you really have the case of the germ-a-phobia? I was just poking at it."
Marshall put his hands up and walked away as I stuffed my clothes neatly back, putting my inventions further back.
I turned around seeing Marshall looking at me leaning on the counter.
"So are you going to undress?"
My eyes shot open like bults of lightening, I was about to say something in response, something negative, when he cut me off by saying, "chill out I was kidding." He said laughing.
"But I do want that hoodie back. The one I have has a big hole and that's my warmest one."
I gulped. So I was right, it is his. "U-um yeah." My cheeks were probably as red as a apple, maybe redder. I threw some dance clothes at Marshall, stretchy pants, kinda like yoga pants, and a grey tank top, "now change into these, they'll be easier to work with. Those pants of yours ain't worthy of such royalty routine training," I say while walking into the bathroom. I put on a pink tank top and black yoga pants, stretching my body a little. Sadly my crotch was a little visible from me being a male, but it wasn't that bad.
I pulled the shirt down to where it felt right and smiled.
I creeked open the door in order to see if Marshall was dressed and ready to go. "Hey-" my eyes widened as my eyes was struck with a vampire without a shirt with yoga pants strapped on, facing the other direction. Looking in a mirror where only the clothes were seen.
My heart beat faster as the clump of spit in my throat was stuck, until I cleared my head and coughed. "I'm ready, are you?" Asked Marshall who probably knew I was there. "Are you?" I asked. "Yep!" He said cheerfully, although he seemed a bit annoyed. As if he truly didn't want to be here.

"What about your shirt?"

"My shirt?"

"Yes your shirt!"

"Oooh, that thing. Yeaaah I kinda just wanted to stay like this. It feels more comfortable, that's fine right? There's no problem your 'majesty'" he said while mocking how I act, like a prince or king should.
I stepped forward and looked into his eyes, "if you don't cut it out I'll have you escorted to my prison chambers, to where you'll rot without anything red."
Silence took over. My mind swept away from the anger and I realized what I had said. I got tired of his sarcasm, I snapped.
I didn't mean to. "Gah. Sorry! I didn't-" I was slammed against my brick like textured wall, and growled at. This frightened me.
Marshall placed his knee between my legs so I couldn't move, and a hand holding both my hands up above my head, whispering. "Threaten me again and let's see where that leads you next, and trust me. Death isn't always easy," he then let go, his rusty eyes which looked red stared at me until I nodded catching my breath. My heart must've skipped a beat cause I swear I just died of fear, inside and outside.

"Alright...let's dance.." I muttered.

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