chapter 8

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It was time for Literature. We all were in different classes.

I waved goodbye to my newly made friends and walked off to my class. I saw Harry entering a class.

Which I was going to go to.


I bit my lip as I entered the classroom. The first pair of eyes I met was Harry's. I never actually seen him like this so still and close up. I took in his features. His shimmering green eyes, his dimples when he smirked at me, his obvious jawline and his messy brown curls.

I spotted Danielle and scurried to sit next to her.

"Hi," Dani said. Then, she grinned.

"Afraid of that Styles guy?"

I smiled nervously at her.

She laughed.

Our Literature teacher walked into the class and soon, class began.

"Okay, class, I would like new students to come up and introduce themselves." The teacher looked around and pointed to me. I stood up.

I couldn't help but let my eyes wander to Harry.

He rolled his eyes and faced the front. I bit my lip a little too hard that I tasted a tinge of blood.

"Um, I'm Taylor... Taylor Swift. I have a cat... Named Meredith."

That actually seemed to capture Harry's attention because he turned around to face me with queer interest.

"I love singing and writing songs. Oh, and reading." I suddenly felt a gush of confidence.

The teacher smiled. "Welcome, Taylor. Now, please be seated."

I did.

Harry and I stared at each other for a while before he whipped his head to face the teacher.

I noticed him...


his smile // haylor a.u.Where stories live. Discover now