Chapter 8

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this is such a carrot story like but i'm obsessed with it yet i don't want to write it cuz i'm real damn lazy.

*Marcel's POV*

I couldn't sit still. My incessant tapping was getting on even my nerves, but it was uncontrollable. Every inch of my body was shaking, and I felt like I could vomit right there in the middle of class. Why was I doing this again? Oh, yeah, because somehow the thought was planted in my head that asking the most popular girl in school out on a date was a wonderful idea. The bell rung and I practially jumped out of my seat. Where was Rose? I was about to ask Ryleigh out, and she was nowhere to be seen.

Walking through the hallways towards Ryleigh's locker, something felt different. Girls I had never seen before we're staring at me and giggling, but not with a mocking undertone like before. Whispers were being exchanged between them, eyes shifting over to glance at me, then darting away.

I tried to push them out of my vision. You need to focus on Ryleigh, I thought, it's all going to work out. You can do this. You have style. You look cool. Ryleigh is going to love you.

Just as I got myself motivated, I saw Ryleigh turn the corner. Her hair was pinned back, the rays of light catching a few stray blonde hairs. I took a few slow steady breaths, and then approached her cautiously.

"Hi, um, I was wondering if you wanted to, maybe, um, go on a date with me this Friday?" I managed to utter. My hands trembled as I watched Ryleigh state intently at me. She finally spoke.

"Wait, Marcel? Is that you? Woah, what happened?"

I shifted uncomfortably. "Jake took me shopping, and I put in contacts, and changed my hair a little bit. Why, does it look bad?"

"No, you look... hot!" Ryleigh gushed, "And yes, I would love to go on a date with you."

I was in shock. I honestly didn't know what her answer was going to be, but I wasn't expecting this. "Sounds great." I smiled, and then walked in the direction of my next class. Suddenly, Rose was in my face, her hair frizzed, and out of breath.

"Marcel!" she exclaimed,"You can't ask Ryleigh out! She has a boyfriend! Remember, Tyler!"

Marcel scrunched up his face. "She broke up with him. I didn't tell you?"

Rose shook her head. "No, you didn't seem to mention that fact. I only ran here to find you to save your ass, to find that your ass didn't need saving."

Marcel looked down at the floor with a bashful look spread over his face. "Sorry, I guess I forgot to mention it."

Rose gave him a small smile and said,"Its fine. So when are you asking her?"

"I already did." Again, a pang hit Rose square in the chest. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was already dry.

"Um, what did she say?"

"She said yes!" Marcel beamed.

Pang. Rose collected herself and spoke again, struggling to act as a supportive friend would. "That's...great." She muttered through partially gritted teeth. Rose quickly changed the subject.

"What's with the new look?" she pondered.

Marcel looked down. "Oh, yeah. Jacob took me to the mall to fix me up to impress Ryleigh."

Rose scrunched her nose and examined him.

"You look nice, but I miss your glasses." was her verdict. Marcel smiled and whispered to her, "Me too."

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