Day 30

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Today is a practice for grading's tomorrow. We had a quick warm up, we were told that there is no rest during the grading's, we did suburi (practice swinging the sword/shinai around) of men, kote and do. We then moved on to doing those cuts on the motodachi (person receiving the cuts or acting as instructor), so 4 of each cut (men, kote and do).

After the first bunch of cuts (men), we had a chat with the "judge" about what we need to work on for that cut, same thing again for the other cuts. When that was all done, we moved on to kiri-kaeshi (a sequence of men cuts and sayu-men (diagonal) cuts) and received feedback.

After all of that "practice grading's" we did uchkomigeiko (practicing basic techniques by striking in response to openings provided by the motodachi).

There are things I need to improve on for the rest of today so I can be prepared for tomorrow and that is; Kikentai-no-itchi (, push in then cut, work on do cuts by moving my hands down lower and don't take to many steps after making the cut.  

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