Room Sharing/ Siblings

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Sibling: a brother or sister who makes your life a living hell.

All the things you have heard about being the youngest is completely true. Parents treat them a little bit better (mainly pity) and older siblings push them down. Allow me to explain.

It's morning. It's a perfectly fine day so you decide to actually make breakfast for once. Your siblings them ask you to make them food because you are more of a morning person than them. You make them food and they mutter you a quiet thanks. Throughout the day, you guys don't really bother eachother that much. Around 4 pm, you could be watching Netflix or YouTube and your sibling complains about it being annoying so you put headphones in. Simple fix. They them get annoyed when you don't hear them THROUGH THE HEADPHONES. MAKE UP YO DAMN MIND. Sorry. Anyway, what ever, they can get over it. Bed time comes and you just want to read the book that you just got. You hit a really big plot twist and they make you turn off the light. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PLOT TWIST!!!!!

Then comes the arguments. Basically, since you are younger and unfairly less educated, you are immediately invalid. You could be arguing at one am and get two words confused and your sibling would call you and idiot. Sorry but you have been calling me that for like 13 years. I would like you to stop for once. THE TORTURE IS NEVER ENOUGH. How is that even fair? Oh, and they're the one who brings up how your parents want you guys to stop tearing eachother down. Hypocrite much? Oh and you have to wait until the next day to make it through the plot twist too. They them start yelling and your dad comes in and tells both of you to shut up, even when they were the ones yelling.

Room Sharing: the most efficient way to torture a person without physically hurting them... Most of the time.

We had one rule. ONE. And my sister breaks it ALL the time. Respect your roommate. Respect, that's all I ask. You know, not being called Peanut every five seconds or not being insulted for stupid reasons. Sure, I'm not always the golden child, but I'm not anywhere as bad as her. Occasionally I'll be fed up and straight up annoy her until she admits wrong doing but she deserves it.

Another part of room sharing is no privacy. Have you ever felt really upset and needing to cry? Well room sharing takes that away from you! Maybe that's why I get so mad at her, my feelings are all bottled up and they don't have anything to ignite them so when she lights a spark... BOOM.

(You also can't practice your instrument that you actually have the passion for because it's loud and annoys them. WHAT DOESNT ANNOY YOU?!)

That is my rant, thank you if you actually read this. I mainly do this because I hate emotions and I need to let them out. I'm probably gonna sleep now, seeing as it is approaching 2 am. Goodnight!

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