The (Better) Brooklyn Rant

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Ok, either her hormones are kicking in it she's just worse than before. Legit, I can't stand her right now.

So first of all, as I've said before, she legit likes everyone. The guy from our theatre class from before, she told him she likes him and then claimed she didn't like anyone else but the period before, she sent a text to Christian saying she still likes him.

We eat in our English class when we have 4th period lunch. Christian didn't have a spoon for his Jello and Brooklyn went down to the cafeteria so I asked her to bring him one and she legit said no because I wasn't using manners. Well sor-ry for not saying please. That ticked me off so I just said- actually I'll just show you.

Me-Bring Christian a spoon
B-You weren't polite.
B-Use your manners
Me-You don't
Me- Treat others the way you want to be treated.
B-Shut up
B-That was rude

Then she went on about how her day was crappy and blah blah blah. Girl, even on my worse days, I still keep my happy, quirky, and sarcastic attitude. Image is a thing. I want people to remember me as who I am, not my moodiness.

That same lunch period, Christian shows me a text from her saying something like "so I still like you" and I'm just there like "you poor soul."

And finally, every time I like a guy, she's always there. I liked Brian, she was convinced they were soulmates. I liked Wesley, she asked him out. I like Adam, nothing because barely anyone knows and she will not. I don't even want her meeting him because she'll probably ask him out.

And finally, my favorite part. She claims Christian is her best friend and me being possessive over my friends (like if they are my best friend, they cannot be your best friend unless you are also my best friend) am all like wtf?! So me Brooklyn, our friend Catrine, and our friend Nelly have a joking "he's my best friend-off" but I didn't pull the "bruh I hang out with him outside of school, y'all don't" card. I'm saving that for later. Either way, I'm sure he would say Laura is his best friend over is because they are way closer.

That felt really good to get off my chest. I seriously don't understand why there is so much drama. Wait no, why does Brooklyn cause so much drama for me?! Thanks for reading, ttfn.

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